The Central Archive
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The modern internet search engines are set to give us the answers that we want, not the answers that are true. The algorithms of Google, Youtube, Facebook, and others are there to satisfy us, not to create doubt. We should be convinced rather than uncertain, stuck with a simple truth, rather than see the whole picture.

We, at Unfakely, are convinced that searching for adequate information is essential. We strongly believe that the huge amount of knowledge we are confronted with every day needs to be scrutinized. And even though it is difficult to access a 100% certainty level, we should all try to be as correct as we possibly can. The more our decisions are based on accurate facts, the better our choices become.

- Do you believe it because if feels good? Do you think it’s true because you want to?
- Do you trust in whatever they say, just because they seem authoritative?
- And should you trust someone referring to facts rather then controlling the facts yourself?

If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down…
If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down…