Articles in alphabetic order All the articles in alphabetic order Scroll down to find the topic that interests you… A baby Coyote is called a whelp. A baby Eel is called an elver. A baby Kangaroo is called Joey… no, sorry… A joey. And a baby Goat is a kid… And it’s called a kid. August 28, 2020 Beelitz Heilstätten May 22, 2022 Bhangarh Fort in Rajasthan, India – It is really one of the scariest and most haunted places on earth? March 8, 2021 Bodie the ghost town March 2, 2023 Can one single computer-virus cause damages for almost 40 billion dollars? May 1, 2020 Can very small droplets, i.e. micro-droplets or aerosols, stay suspended in the air for hours and slowly fill a closed area with viruses? June 22, 2020 Can you break a glass just by singing for it? April 16, 2020 Could a normal, healthy, grown man have outrun a Tyrannosaurus Rex? April 14, 2020 Did Newton get the idea of the law of gravity, when, sitting under a tree, he was hit on the head by a falling apple? April 6, 2020 Did nylon get its name from the two cities, New York and London? December 7, 2020 Did the China One-Child policy have any significant impact on population growth? May 12, 2020 Did the crew of the Santa Maria, the Niña, and the Pinta know that Earth is a sphere long before they crossed the Atlantic? June 5, 2020 Did the German, French, and British troops on the western front in 1914 join in a spontaneous ceasefire directly on the battlefield to celebrate Christmas? April 5, 2020 Did the Polish cavalry attack German tanks at the beginning of WW2? Was the Polish army so outdated, unprepared, and misinformed? April 1, 2020 Do countries spend more on the military than they do on healthcare and education? July 20, 2020 Do dogs have sweat glands on the tongue? Is it the evaporating sweat that cools the dog? August 3, 2020 Do ostriches bury their heads in the sand? April 5, 2020 Does shaving make hair thicker? June 13, 2021 Have scientists and make-up artists have finally discovered why the face of Donald Trump is orange? August 5, 2020 Have you noticed anything strange with the face of President Joe Biden? February 8, 2021 1 2 3 4 Next »
A baby Coyote is called a whelp. A baby Eel is called an elver. A baby Kangaroo is called Joey… no, sorry… A joey. And a baby Goat is a kid… And it’s called a kid. August 28, 2020
Bhangarh Fort in Rajasthan, India – It is really one of the scariest and most haunted places on earth? March 8, 2021
Can very small droplets, i.e. micro-droplets or aerosols, stay suspended in the air for hours and slowly fill a closed area with viruses? June 22, 2020
Did Newton get the idea of the law of gravity, when, sitting under a tree, he was hit on the head by a falling apple? April 6, 2020
Did the crew of the Santa Maria, the Niña, and the Pinta know that Earth is a sphere long before they crossed the Atlantic? June 5, 2020
Did the German, French, and British troops on the western front in 1914 join in a spontaneous ceasefire directly on the battlefield to celebrate Christmas? April 5, 2020
Did the Polish cavalry attack German tanks at the beginning of WW2? Was the Polish army so outdated, unprepared, and misinformed? April 1, 2020
Do dogs have sweat glands on the tongue? Is it the evaporating sweat that cools the dog? August 3, 2020
Have scientists and make-up artists have finally discovered why the face of Donald Trump is orange? August 5, 2020