Sinking in quicksand – Is it really as deadly a threat, as shown in the old b&w movies?

Sinking in quicksand

Sinking in quicksand – Is it really as deadly a threat, as shown in the old b&w movies?

Quicksand – the hidden deathtrap

If you are as old as me, then you have probably seen it in the movies… The black and white movies about heroic adventurers heading into the jungle, fearless, and proud. There they had to fight the bad guys, the ferocious indigenous, the hostile environment made up of dangerous cliffs, rivers, and waterfalls, insects, and bigger man-eating animals. Last on that list, there was usually the quicksand. 

We saw a character falling in, while the others stopped immediately. The one who was sinking in quicksand screamed and waved his arms, while the others shouted at him to not move. Then they tried to reach him with a branch, a rope, or even a snake. Sometimes they succeeded, while other times the person in the quicksand slowly, inch by inch was consumed by the deadly trap. Often we could see a stretched-out hand sinking down slowly into the mud. Sometimes leaving a piece of fabric, or a hat on the surface.

But what is the truth about all that?

What is quicksand and how does it form?

First of all, it’s not only sand. Any granular material can in theory form some sort of quicksand-ish substance. Most common is still quicksand made from sand, slit, or clay, mainly because that’s what you would find in nature. 

Under normal conditions, rainwater or sea water will sink through the soil to the groundwater level. But sometimes, a pocket of water without drainage can form, or there can be streaming water under the surface, sideways, or upwards. In some cases, the material, usually sand or clay mixes with the water and creates a kind of porridge. On top, it will appear solid, and you won’t know what it is until you’ve put your weight on it with your foot. The saturated sediment that forms the surface will suddenly break and you will fall in.

sinking in quicksandWhere can you find quicksand?

In the old movies, quicksand was sometimes found in the desert. That wouldn’t be very probable. As water is a necessary ingredient, deserts probably do not host any quicksand. Instead, you should try riverbanks, marshes, and areas close to lakes and the sea. 

Can sinking in quicksand swallow you whole?

sinking in quicksand

No, it can’t. Not under normal conditions, and not the so-called wet quicksand. The reason for this is that even though it’s much denser than water, it still follows the laws of nature. A body with lower density will float. Water has a density of about 1 kilogram/liter. A sand/water mix in quicksand, on the other hand, has a density of around 2 kilogram/liter. It is practically impossible to sink lower than to half your body, about your waist-line. 

If you fall in, what should you do?

Here are a few tips:

  • If you’re in deeper than your knees, you can’t walk out, so just forget that, and do the following.
  • First… Always move slowly. For every inch you move upward, let the sand fill the space underneath. It takes time, but it’s the only way. If you get tired, rest. You are not in a hurry.
  • Lose weight. Throw away your backpack. If you can, take off your shoes, your jacket, etc.
  • If you can, take a step backward. It’s possible that you could reach the solid ground from where you came if you weren’t walking too fast when you fell in.
  • Try to lean backward to a back-floating position. When your feet reach the surface, try to move very slowly to the “shore”.
  • Try to find a branch or something to hold on to. If you have a trekking pole, use it horizontally under your back when getting up to a floating position. 
  • Breathe deeply. This will increase your buoyancy as well as keep you calm. 
  • Remember that the biggest threat is exhaustion, not the suction. 

The special case of dry quicksand

Dry quicksand made out of sand shouldn’t really be a problem. Dry sand is just sand, although scientists have succeeded in creating low-density sand in laboratory environments. This lightweight sand can swallow heavy objects. It has never been found in nature, though.

But the quicksand phenomena can occur in other, lighter granular materials… Like grain.

In 2002 a man fell into a grain silo in Germany. By the time the firefighters came, he was already down to his armpits. With every breath, his lungs emptied and he sunk a little. At a certain time, the pressure from the grain on his chest started to cause severe pain, and the rescue team feared that he would suffocate. They gave him oxygen, but as he just couldn’t expand his chest to inhale they had to try something else.

They lowered a huge cylinder over the entire body of the man, Then they sucked the grain out from the surrounding space with an industrial vacuum. The man survived.   

Has anybody ever died as a result of sinking into quicksand?

sinking in dry quicksand

Well, I could say no, nobody ever dies directly from falling into quicksand. Because it’s not possible to be sucked down and drowned by it, like in the old movies. That’s just not how it works.

But, there are still casualties caused by secondary effects of falling into quicksand. If you don’t get swallowed whole by it, being stuck can be very dangerous in some ways. 

Apart from the very rare deaths in silos, and other places where there is light, dry, granular material, many casualties are caused by people being stuck in quicksand when the tide returns. As you will find quicksand where there’s water, people get trapped and then they die from drowning. That could also happen on riverbeds. Other dangers include attacks by wild animals, dehydration if you’re stuck for long, and other medical complications that happen while you are trapped and can’t find help.  


Sinking in quicksand is not a death trap, as portrayed in the old movies. It just isn’t. You will fall in and you can get stuck there, even for long if you’re in bad physical shape or you panic, etc. But you could not die from drowning in the mud unless you’re wearing lead pants and a golden sweater.

Having said that, there are dangers connected to the fact that you are stuck. The biggest hazard by far is the possibility that water could submerge you while you are trapped. Either as the returning tide on the beach or the increased water flow in a river. 

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No, it can’t pull you down the way it was shown in the old movies. It’s physically impossible for quicksand to drown someone just by submerging him or her into the mud. 

Other things can kill you while you’re trapped though… Like a returning tide. 



If you put your batteries in the fridge, will they last longer?

If you put your batteries in the fridge, will they last longer?

The old myth about batteries’ supposedly longer life if you put them in the refrigerator.

I still remember when I was very small and my Aunt told me to go get the milk from the fridge. I was around 4 or 5 and it was a great responsibility to go get stuff and bring it back. So I tumbled away, into the kitchen, and open the refrigerator door. Totally flabbergasted, I watched the long lines of batteries inside the fridge door, between the milk, the fruit juice, and bottles of various nature. All kinds of batteries, big ones, small ones, round, and squared, all side by side standing and lying like frozen soldiers in a landscape model. It was awesome, at least for a 5-year-old.   

My Aunt as well as many of her generation was convinced that putting the batteries in the fridge, was a way to extend their life. Even the freezer was a safe bet for many of the older generation. The cold environment slows down the self-discharge and keeps the batteries in better health until the day you take them out and fry them… or use them in some electric tool or a radio or something. 

This myth was generated a long time ago and many still are absolutely convinced that keeping the batteries in the fridge, makes them last longer. 

But is it true?

The science behind the batteries’ life span.

batteries life

Batteries release energy through a chemical reaction between two or more compounds stored inside the closed shell. Electrons flow out of the one terminal, through whatever device they’re powering, and back into the other terminal. When a battery is plugged in, this flow depends on the workload. The more energy the lamp or the RC-car uses, the faster the batteries run out of energy. But when batteries are not plugged in they still leak a little from one terminal to the other. So, after a long time, they will discharge even if they are never used. This is called the self-discharge, and it’s actually higher at higher temperatures and lower at lower temperatures. 

So: Yes, batteries keep longer if they’re in a cold environment.

But, that’s not the whole truth.

Before the modern Alkaline batteries entered our homes, we used zinc-carbon batteries for our everyday needs. Until a few decades ago, alkaline batteries were regarded as rather exclusive. A famous manufacturer, with a drummer-bunny as their trademark had almost monopolistic control of the market. And their batteries were looked upon as much more effective than all the others. Normal batteries were Zinc–carbon batteries, and these had a much shorter life. The benefit of putting them in the fridge was noticeable, just like my Aunt and everybody in here generation new.

batteries life

While the old batteries had a significantly longer life span when stored in the fridge or even the freezer, modern batteries gain very little. Science is moving forward. Today we also have many different types of batteries, from huge starter batteries for trucks, to tiny lithium cells for computers and cell phones. And to complicate the argument. they all have different self-discharge rates.

Here’s a list of how fast batteries generally self-discharge:

  • Alkaline: Modern alkaline batteries are very stable. They lose a few percent of their charge per year.
  • Zinc-carbon: As said before, these batteries have a much shorter life. They, lose about 20% a year in self-discharge. 
  • Lithium-ion (rechargeable): These are found in laptops, mobile phones, and high-end portable power tools. They discharge a little faster around 5% per month.
  • Nickel-Cadmium (NiCa)(rechargeable): These were the ancestors of Lithium-ion batteries. These lose around 10% per month.
  • Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) (rechargeable): These replaced much of the Nickel-Cadmium batteries as they have a better capacity. The early generation of these had a terrible self-discharge rate… Around 30% per month at room temperature. Later versions, Low self-discharge (LSD) NiMH batteries, have a much longer life, on par with the disposable alkaline batteries.  

But it’s not fair to compare a rechargeable computer battery to a disposable flashlight battery. Rechargeable batteries don’t rely so much on long life and low self-discharge, since they can be recharged at any time.

They can be dangerous too.

Batteries can explode. Yes, they can and it’s a hazard risk that should be reckoned with. A normal lead-acid starter battery for your car produces hydrogen gas when charged… And hydrogen is highly explosive. 

The Lithium-ion battery in your cell phone can also explode for various reasons. If the charger is malfunctioning, if it’s too strong for the device, if there are poor ventilation and high temperature in the room, or if not charging at all but for some other reason gets too hot.  

  • Don’t talk or use the phone in any other way when it’s charging.
  • Don’t charge it on your bedroom table when you sleep.
  • Don’t leave it in your car, or in any other very hot place. 

The complicated reality of the batteries’ life.

Putting batteries in the fridge is still only possible with a small number of types of batteries, namely the small AA, AAA D, and Cs. Nobody puts a lead-acid car battery in the fridge, and nobody dismantles the Li-ion battery of the cell phone just to put it in the refrigerator overnight. 

As said before, batteries inside computers and other electrical devices don’t have to be very long-life. They get charged every day anyway, or every second or third. For those batteries, it’s much more important to have a long life regarding the total recharging cycles it can take without losing capacity. 

And some batteries can also be damaged if the temperature is too low, especially if they are not fully charged. 

Some batteries, like the Li-ion, have a much higher self-drainage when they are fully charged. Those should be stored at about half-charge… And, they last longer in the fridge.

And batteries can be damaged by humidity. In some refrigerators, the humidity is high, especially in summer…  

But now it’s getting too complicated.

Voltaic Pile
Courtesy of Bcrowell. The first battery in the world – The Voltaic Pile.

And that’s why we can’t say that the batteries’ life increases if you keep them cold. Generally speaking, it is true, but there are so many different factors to take into consideration, that the cold completely loses its importance. The battery manufacturers suggest dry and cool normal room temperature for storing batteries. Here are some more tips:

  • Alkaline and non-rechargeable lithium batteries can be stored for 10 years with moderate loss capacity.
  • Remove the battery from the equipment and store it in a dry and cool place.
  • Avoid freezing. Batteries suffer damage more easily if they are kept in freezing temperatures while discharged.
  • Nickel-based batteries can be stored completely discharged. 
  • Lithium-ion must be stored in a charged state. If it’s left completely discharged for more than a week it has to be disposed of.

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Yes, batteries lose less power when stored at a low temperature. But it’s very little, and it’s so complicated to give general advice that you probably do best to follow the guidelines of the manufacturer… Detach from the electronic device, and store in a cool and dry place. 



Batteries in the fridge  Batteries in the fridge  Batteries in the fridge  Batteries in the fridge

Can very small droplets, i.e. micro-droplets or aerosols, stay suspended in the air for hours and slowly fill a closed area with viruses?

Micro droplets suspended in air.

Can very small droplets, i.e. micro-droplets or aerosols, slowly fill a closed area with viruses?

micro droplets suspended in air

Micro droplets suspended in air.

This is another topic that is difficult to address. I am not a virologist or an immunologist, so I can’t speak from an authoritative point of view. All my sources are, as usual, referred at the bottom of the page. The article is about the aerosols and if they can transmit the virus SARS CoV-2 or not. 

Here’s a link to the WHO’s advice for the public on how to stay safe during the Pandemic.

What does it take for a virus to be able to travel from one human to another?

A virus is very small, under a half micrometer. The virus SARS CoV-2 is 80-160 nanometers (nm), or 0,08 to 0,16 micrometers (µm), or 0,00008 to 0,00016 millimeters in diameter, Keep this in mind for the next step. 

The virus lives inside our body, but after some time it will need to move on. It gets fed up with just making one person suffer, and it starts spreading. It will travel from one individual to another. The virus is most prone to transmit the disease to another person from 1 – 3 days before the first symptom till a week after in patients with mild symptoms and longer if the person have persisting symptoms. 

micro droplets suspended in air

And viruses can not fly, but they can travel on anything as long as it has a reasonably flat surface, is not too cold and not too hot. Normally they reach the other host, riding on things like feces, blood, sperm, mucus or simply by riding on the humidity of the expelled air. How they do this is a question about strategy, and every virus has one or more specific ways of transmission.

So how does SARS CoV-2 move around?

The absolute majority of the transmission of the SARS CoV-2 virus is thought to be by mucus and droplets, formed by the humidity of the air when we breath out. Either by symptomatic patients who sneeze and cough, or by pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic persons who just do their normal things, talk, touch, hug, exhale, and are being close in general. The virus can stay on a surface for many hours, days even until someone touches it and then scratches his mouth or nose. It survives longer on plastic and steel than on fabrics f.ex. And through the nose, mouth, ears, or eyes, the virus gets access to the mucous membrane of the new host.

When someone breathes, humidity comes out from the mouth and shoots into the air. The humidity that you can feel inside your face-mask or you can see if you breathe on a cold window-glass, is actually millions of very small droplets of humidity. If the person is infected with a virus, then these droplets will contain that virus. 

micro droplets suspended in air

Now, with more knowledge and the use of personal protective equipment, this way of transmission is getting more difficult for the virus. We still don’t always know who is ill and who’s not, though, so we don’t know exactly who to stay away from. The testing is still a little behind, so we have to practice social distancing with everybody, just to be safe, and not let anybody come closer than 1, or 2 meters (6 feet). 

But, are we absolutely sure that the virus can’t reach us at 6 feet?

To understand this issue we have to know two things:

  • Can the virus travel with very small droplets, i.e..micro-droplets or aerosols?
  • Do we produce aerosols when we breathe, or are they just the bigger drops, those who fall to the ground?

What is an aerosol?

An aerosol is a droplet that is smaller than 5 micrometers (5 thousands of a millimeter). Remember that the Coronavirus is 0,08 – 0,16 micrometers. 

micro droplets suspended in airAerosol or micro droplets suspended in air.

The first thing to clarify is if the virus can travel on aerosols, or only on bigger droplets.

By definition, aerosols are droplets in air (or in a gas) of solid or liquid particles, small enough that they remain airborne for prolonged periods because of their low settling velocity. For spherical particles, settling times (for a 3-m fall) are:

  • 10 s for a particle of 100 μm diameter.
  • 4 min for 20 μm
  • 17 min for 10 μm
  • 62 min for 5 μm.
  • A particle with a diameter of less than 3 μm essentially does not settle. 

Do these micro droplets suspended in air actually carry the virus?

Unfortunately, we don’t know everything about this new virus… Maybe we don’t even know very much. At the beginning of the Pandemic, almost all of our information came from knowledge of other, similar viruses. And from there we have the first piece of the puzzle. The SARS CoV-1, the virus that caused the outbreak of SARS in 2003 in Asia, traveled with aerosols through the air. This was confirmed by a number of studies and was regarded as the main, or one of the main transmission routes in indoor cases. 

Many other viruses have been confirmed to be able to transmit through the air as well.

Recent studies on this specific coronavirus show that it can travel on very small micro droplets suspended in air, down to diameters of less than one micrometer. It can travel even without the droplet once it’s in the air, but it has to be pushed out together with something to start moving, and that something can be a very small droplet.

But how many viruses can travel with a micro droplet? Is it enough to make you sick? 

And here we stumble on more things that we don’t know exactly. But new information becomes available as we move on. The department of Homeland Security in the US expects the infectious dose to be somewhere between 10 and 10.000 viruses. The exact number varies and it’s imprecise, but it’s obvious that you don’t really need a lot of viruses to get ill… At least not necessarily. 

Lately, it’s also become clear that the more viruses you are exposed to, the higher the probability for you to catch the disease… And the higher the probability to develop sever symptoms. 

Any way you look at it, it’s important to reduce the number of viruses to a minimum.

sars cov-2How many micro-droplets does a normal person cough out?

Every time we exhale, droplets flow out of our mouths. When we cough or sneeze, a strong current of air is produced, and with it, there will inevitably be droplets. These droplets diminish in size as soon as they come out, as some of the liquid evaporates. They become smaller. A very small aerosol typically dries out completely a short time after being expelled, but that depends greatly on temperature and humidity. A completely evaporated droplet leaves the virus hanging by itself in the air, so-called droplet nuclei.

The same document from Homeland Security states that a human being normally expels between 100.000 and 10 million viruses an hour, by breathing. But that’s what comes out of the mouth. If you stand far away, then the virus concentration is diluted. 

The droplets come in all sizes. Some are big and fall to the ground very fast, some are smaller. The distance a droplet can travel also depends on the force with which it is thrown out. A sneeze has a big push behind it and can travel as far as 25 feet (8 meters).

But back to the micro droplets suspended in the air. How many do we exhale with every breath?

Although we now have some ideas it’s still uncertain and very individual. But there are a few important considerations:

  • Activating the vocal cords produce more particles. 
  • The higher the volume, the more you shout, the more droplets you produce, but the size distribution is the same.
  • Some individuals expel more droplets of all sizes than their peers. And others have a higher viral load and emit more viruses in the droplets.  These are sometimes referred to as super-spreaders.  

The special case of choral singing.

choral singing in church

Taking all this into consideration, it’s obvious that choral singing is a very high-risk activity. In a rehearsal situation, many singers are sitting close together producing huge quantities of aerosols. If the ventilation is poor, the rehearsal goes on for maybe an hour or more, and the singers don’t use masks (as it can be difficult to sing with the mouth covered), it would be a very dangerous thing to do.

Singing also means a different type of breathing, and a longer time for the virus to interact with the tissue in the lungs, bronchus, and the throat.

Think of it like smoking. If a smoker sits in the corner of the room, you feel the smell. But if 70 people smoke uninterruptedly in a rehearsal room for an hour and a half, and maybe with closed windows, it will be very difficult to escape.  

In fact, there have been quite a few cases where one single person who was positive infected a large part of the chorus after only one rehearsal. It happened in Amsterdam, Berlin, Washington, and other places. Now, some countries have banned chorus rehearsals altogether.

So, what can we do?

wear a face mask

In autumn 2020 more and more national health authorities, as well as the WHO have confirmed the danger connected to aerosols. These findings are difficult for many, more difficult than mask-wearing and hand-washing. If the virus can remain for hours in a closed environment, then restaurants, bars, shops, buses, all will need additional security measures. If it’s not enough to stay far away from people, and you can catch Covid just from entering a room, then it will be much harder to defend yourself. We would need to monitor all the others, not just ourselves

But hey, I’m no expert on this… I do think, though, that we might have to stay aware of this particular risk and keep our guard up. I believe the metaphor about smoking is right on topic. If one smoke, than you can move away. But if a lot of people smoke and all the windows are closed, than it doesn’t really help to stand six feet away. 

Wearing a surgical mask, or even a home-made one, if it’s put on correctly, can reduce the number of droplets coming out from the mouth and nose radically. It’s mostly something you do to protect others, not yourself, even if it gives a little protection also to the bearer. It’s something we have to do together, as a sign of respect to our fellow human beings. 

If you want to protect yourself, you need to wear a filtrating mask, N95, KN95, FFP2, or similar.

And good ventilation is crucial. Outside is safer than indoors, open windows are much safer than closed ones.

And as said before, maybe we have to look at the famous two meters, 6 feet in a different light. 6 feet is still better than 3, but 9 feet is better than 6. There is no magical limit where you can feel safe and drop all your guards. It’s mostly about probability… If all of the people wear masks it’s better than half. But at the end of the day, if I’m the only one wearing the stupid mask, it’s still better than if no one does…


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Yes, very small micro droplets can carry the virus very far from the source, and stay suspended in the air for a long time… Under certain conditions indefinitely.  



Is going by air, with a commercial airliner, the safest way to travel?

Is going by air, with a commercial airliner, the safest way to travel?

safest way to travel

The statistics are very well documented and as well-founded as you could possibly desire. But I would still like to scrutinize it for a bit. I think it’s a good idea to look into what we mean by safe, and what we mean by travel… Because statistics are never better than what you understand it to be. 

Which is the safest way to travel?

If I go for an hour on my motorcycle, or if I go for an hour with my private airplane is not exactly the same thing. With the motorcycle, I will cover 50 miles of beautiful mountain roads. But with my private jet, I will cover 500 miles. So do we calculate the number of incidents per hour or per mile?

Here are some other difficulties when trying to figure out which is the safest way to travel:

  • A train crash could kill hundreds of people, while a motorcycle would kill one, or two. 
  • Going by bus means riding with a professional driver, while you would probably drive your own car. 
  • Cars and motorcycles are mostly used in the city, while trains are for going across the country. And the city is a more dangerous environment. 
  • Going by boat could mean going on your own, small fishing boat, or going with a 150.000 tonnage cruise ship.

These are just a few considerations, but there are many more. 

Which is the safest way to travelDeaths per traveled mile.

An often-used parameter, when comparing travel safety is deaths per traveled mile. The distance is the figure against which the death rate is compared. In that case, a four-hour flight from New York to Los Angeles equals a 42-hour drive… Or if you want, two months by bicycle.

This might seem an absurd comparison, but some travel means are mostly for leisure, like a motorcycle. So, going back to our example, in the beginning, it is not perfectly correct to compare the one-hour drive in your private airplane, to ten hours on a motorcycle, if both drivers are just cruising around.  

Then, there is the danger for the others. If a motorcycle drives off the road, or a train does it, there’s quite a difference in danger for the others, those who were not in the vehicle. 

But let’s try to find out which is the safest way to travel. And we will use deaths/distance as the formula. Not only deaths among the travelers on board, but also the danger for any bystander.  

Train – 0,6 deaths per billion kilometers.

The train is a very safe way to travel. While streets are full of other cars, bicycles, dogs, grandmas, grandpas, and children… The rail is free from any obstacles. It’s a straight line. Unfortunately, even on a straight line, things can go wrong. 

Which is the safest way to travel

The majority of deaths by trains are not by train crashes but by trespassing. And the majority of trespassers who die are pedestrians, often people who are hit by the train while walking or standing on the tracks. Or cars at level crossings. Incredible as it may seem, 25% of all fatalities in level-crossing accidents are actually the car running into the train and not the other way around.

A significant part of deaths at railroads is suicide.

For those who ride the train, sitting inside, it is one the safest way to travel. 0,6 deaths/bn kilometers becomes 0,1 if you count only the passengers. Some smaller countries don’t even have statistics for train deaths as no passengers die. 

Car >6 deaths per billion kilometers.

Since practically only European and North American countries keep statistics over deaths per distance in road traffic, this figure is probably much higher.

Car is a dangerous means of travel, surpassed only by motorcycle. About 1,35 million people die every year in road accidents worldwide, and the vast majority of them involve a car. And some 25 to 50 million people suffer non-fatal injuries. As with the train, an additional danger with cars is that they run into things and people.

Which is the safest way to travel

The safety inside the car is one thing, but since the car is the preferable transportation in most cities, they kill pedestrians, and other drivers as well.

  • Western countries with modern, well-maintained roads are much safer than third-world countries.
  • Safety is increasing as cars are getting a higher level of passive safety, like airbags, seat belts, automatic brake systems, etc.
  • The percentage of fatal incidents where pedestrians are killed by a car is generally increasing. The passive safety helps decrease fatality for passengers but not for people outside the car. 
  • Lower speed limits and more frequent controls help reduce incidents.
  • The safest roads are motorways (freeways), while urban and rural roads are less safe.
  • A vast majority of the collisions with pedestrians with a fatal outcome, happen in dark.
  • 20-30% of all fatal incidents are caused by excessive speed. 

Motorcycle  ~ 125 deaths per billion kilometers.

All that has been said about cars is valid for motorcycles too. The difference is that the motorcycle doesn’t have any passive safety, no airbags, or seat-belts.


Furthermore, a motorcycle is a typical vehicle for young people, and young people are more dangerous in traffic. Drivers between 18 and 24 have a double probability to die in a traffic incident compared to others. 

Buses – 0,4 deaths per billion kilometers

Buses are generally very safe. But even here it can be tricky comparing the figures. Buses in Germany are safer than buses in India, mainly because the traffic in Germany is generally safer. Buses in urban areas crash more, but with fewer fatalities. 

One interesting fact is that large buses represent a very small part of the incidents with deadly outcomes. It is much safer to go with a greyhound coach than with a chartered 9-seater

Airplane – 0,05 deaths per billion kilometers.

Although many are afraid of flying, it is the safest way to travel you can think of. Even though it might seem strange and dangerous to sway up there, over the clouds in a thin metal-tube, it’s actually not. 

As trains have their rails to go on, airplanes are practically flying where there is nothing to bump into. It’s like driving on a freeway without traffic and where the road has no sides. 

You might be afraid that it could stop working and just fall down… Well, that happens but it is very rare. And an airplane can continue even if a motor goes out, or two… Even if all of the engines die, the airplane can still glide down and land if there is something to land on within reach.

Small airplanes are more dangerous than big ones. Not because size matters, but because the big airliners are maintained and run by professionals from the big aviation companies, and they follow a long set of security regulations. 

cruise shipBoat – 2,6 deaths per billion kilometers.

But the boat is a very different means of transport compared to the others. You usually don’t take the boat to the office or take the boat to get out of town for the weekend, unless you live in Venice, Italy. So, where do the statistic come from?

Big passenger ships, cruise ships, local ferries, and long-distance ferries. These boats are very safe. Then there are the private small boats… The fishing boats, and the leisure boats. These are not very safe. And mostly because we are not safe. The vast majority of fatal incidents with small boats are due to human errors. 20% of the deaths involve alcohol. 

Walking and Cycling – about 50 deaths per billion kilometers.

Walking doesn’t kill you. But walking in the city or on the side of the country road makes you a target for cars, buses, and motorcycles. In fact, all pedestrian deaths come from being hit by others.

cycling summer

Unfortunately, we do not see the same decrease in mortality here as with the other transportation methods. Walking and cycling seem to become more dangerous as time passes. 

The very high death toll is not the whole truth though. Walking is slow, and it will take a great deal of time to reach one billion kilometers, walking. Deaths per hour would be a better measurement. 

Conclusion – Flying is the safest way to travel.

Yep, flying is the safest way to travel. Followed by trains and busses. 

Why is it so? 

The answer is divided into three parts:

  1. Airplanes, just like trains, don’t normally run into other objects. The sky is relatively free from obstacles, as are the rails. 
  2. Big things protect you more. A big bus is very much safer than a small car. The physical equation tells us that the kinetic energy of the big body is bigger than that of a small body. If a bus runs into a car, the car will immediately move in the direction of the bus, while the movement and direction of the bus will change very little. The passengers in the car will suffer more damage. 
  3. Professional drivers and pilots driving vehicles that are maintained by professional mechanics and controlled by all kinds of regulations by the authorities are safer. That’s just the way it is. A small private plane is much more dangerous than a big airliner. A big cross-country highway bus is much safer than a small charted van. Even taxis, although taxi drivers are thought of by many as reckless, have a lower rate of incidents than private cars. Only calculating traffic incidents, not the possible danger of being assaulted by the taxi driver. 

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Yes, traveling by air is very safe, and traveling from one point to another with a commercial airliner is the safest way to travel if you measure deaths and injuries per traveled distance. 


child on a scooter


Can one single computer-virus cause damages for almost 40 billion dollars?

The world’s most costly computer virus.

Can one single computer-virus cause damages for almost 40 billion dollars?

safe internet

What is a Computer Virus?

A computer virus is some sort of malicious code made to automatically multiply and spread from one computer to another, without being noticed. It normally enters your system from an e-mail attachment, from a downloaded file, or from removable media such as a disc, a USB stick, a memory card, etc. The creator of the virus aims to steal information or data, control the computer, or simply create damage by overloading the system. 

And that creator, the hacker, can be anybody. Many of the worst cyber-attacks have never been resolved, the virus programmer has never been found. These delinquents forming a substantial threat to the safe internet can appear in any form, From cybercriminals, organized fraud syndicates, and governmental espionage groups, to kids who just want to see how much damage they can accomplish. 

Aren’t we better off now? With all the Ant-Virus software, don’t we have safe internet today?

The thing is that the defense mechanisms, Anti-virus software, Firewalls, defense systems in the programs themselves, and most important of all, the awareness and knowledge of all of us, the users… All this is making the internet safer. But just like in the physical world, the crooks are getting better too. 

Here’s a list of a few cyberattacks, and I’m only counting those in 2019:

most costly computer virus
Courtesy of Julien G.
  • American Medical Collection Agency (AMCA), May 2019. Number Affected: 25 million
  • Citrix Systems, Inc, March 2019. Number Affected: Unknown
  • Capital One, July 2019. Number Affected: 106 million
  • Facebook, April and September 2019. Number Affected: 419 million – 540 million
  • First American, May 2019. Number Affected: 885 million

The safe internet – How do you defend yourself?

There are two strategies to keep in mind. 

It’s a bit like fighting bugs. 

  • To block it from getting in, you mustn’t click on e-mail attachments that you’re not familiar with.
  • You should be careful when you install programs on the internet. 
  • Don’t click on shady links. 
  • Use multiple keywords and hide your personal info. 
  • Secure your wifi, and avoid using public networks. 
  • Back up your files… Photos from when the children were small are worth saving if things go bad.
  • Invest in a good security system and keep the virus definitions updated.

The biggest threat to the safe internet.

But let’s talk about the most costly computer virus ever. 

Craig Schmugar, an employee at McAfee security software, found an e-mail worm on Monday, January 26, 2004. He noticed that the program code had “mydoom” in it. As he immediately sensed that this was going to be very big, and as the name was appropriate, he named it after the code snippet, My Doom. 

most costly computer virus
Courtesy of Ahmad Ridhwan

It was a simple email attachment, but in 2004, people weren’t all that suspicious. The threats to the internet were few, and many hadn’t been warned about opening strange email files. The message of the mail was something like “Error”, “Mail Delivery System”, “Mail Transaction Failed” etc. Or it could be more familiar in its tone… “Hi”, “Hello”, or “Click me, Baby…”. It didn’t attack Apple computers, but only Windows systems.

It also copied itself to the “shared folder” of Kazaa, a peer-to-peer file-sharing application.

The first wave

Within hours the virus was spread all over the internet and slowed down the average load speed of any web page by 50%. The virus was programmed to perform a Denial of Service attack on the SCO group’s website on February 1. This is a kind of attack where the virus attempts to block the website’s server by overloading it with multiple requests. 

The second wave

Two days after on January 28, a new version was launched, “MyDoom B”. This virus, as well as having all the characteristics of the first virus, also targeted the website. Both viruses, apart from attacking SCO and Microsoft, also opened a backdoor. This backdoor let other viruses in, and it was operational for many years, and it is so even today. 

On July 26, 2004, a different version of the virus attacked the Google website. For 5 hours the popular search engine experienced problems and slowness. Yahoo and Lycos suffered minor issues. 

The 2009 Cyber Attack in the US and South Korea was caused by the MyDoom-virus. 

The MyDoom-virus although quite simple, being an email attachment, it is still particularly aggressive, and self-sufficient. It continues to work in the shadows until it finds a way to multiply. The fact that it leaves a backdoor open in the system makes it hard to discover and get rid of.

hands on keyboard
Courtesy of Marco Verch

The most costly computer virus ever – conclusion 

In 2004, 25% of all emails sent, were estimated to be infected with the virus. 

The total cost of the damage it has caused is 38,5 billion dollars, which makes it the most devastating computer virus ever, in terms of money. Though calculating the cost of a cyber attack can be very difficult. It is still regarded as the most costly computer virus ever.

And after 16 years it’s still a major threat to the safety on the internet.

In 2019, still, more than 1% of all malicious emails are MyDoom. But as it is polymorphic some 30% of all malicious email samples are MyDoom.

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Yes, the most costly computer virus in history caused 38 billion dollars in damages. It is labeled MyDoom… And it’s still out there, even today.



Will a sinking ship pull you under?

Will a sinking ship pull you under?

Will the sinking ship suction pull everything close to the hull, down with it?

If you should ever be so unfortunate to find yourself on a sinking ship, you have to get as far away as possible when the hull breaks the surface and disappears into the dark abyss. Every sailor knows this. Get away from the hull! Or she will suck you down with her…

We’ve seen it in films, we’ve read it in books. It’s just common knowledge. But it is true? Is there really such a thing as a vortex that pulls you down when the ship sinks?

The theory behind it

The theory behind the sinking ship suction is as follows: 

  • Anything moving through water does so by displacing water around it. When a large body sinks, water will rush in to fill the empty space behind it and thus create a vortex. The force of this vortex depends on the shape, size, and speed of the sinking agent.

What do those who actually have been on a sinking ship say?

When the Titanic sank, there were many tellings from first-hand eyewitnesses about what had happened. 

Eugene Daly was swimming at a safe distance from the ship. When one of the funnels went under the surface, a whirlpool opened up for a few seconds when water rushed into the boiler room. Those in the immediate area went straight down. “…those poor people that covered the water were sucked down in those funnels… like ants” 

Others who were among the last to leave the ship… Practically standing on top of it as it went down, claimed they didn’t feel any sinking ship suction at all. 

Chief Baker Charles Joughin, the last man to leave the ship, claimed it was like taking an elevator. He didn’t even get his hair wet. 

The truth about what would happen

It seems to be that the actual pulling effect isn’t what you should worry too much about. However, when a very heavy, solid, and flat object goes down it definitely creates a vacuum on top of it. If you should place a cookie on top of it, it would probably follow it to the bottom. 

sinking ship suction

But a modern ship is made for fuel efficiency and it is extremely hydrodynamic. And it goes down neither in a straight line nor very fast. Even if it went straight down, bow first, the rounded stern created specifically to NOT provoke a back-pulling vortex, would not pull very much. 

There are more theories than that one though

  • When the ship is going down, the empty space inside will fill with water. When that happens a strong current could pull you inside the hull.
  • The strong movement and the air inside the ship will mix with the seawater immediately above the sinking structure. On top of the boat, when it’s going down, that water will be less dense and less able to keep you afloat. You will fall through.

The air would be a much more deadly opponent than the sinking ship suction. And air can be very dangerous when you deal with water… When they change place, air, and water. The air rushing out of the hull and water rushing in to take its place.

Air mixing with water is another very hazardous matter. The air can create a large area of whitewater with much less density than “solid” bluewater. The ship could create a hole for a few seconds, and if you find yourself in that hole you would have to struggle to stay afloat.

Even deadlier is the water rushing in while you’re still inside trying to get out. Many deaths in modern times can be attributed to people not acting fast enough, and therefore remaining trapped inside.

Then there are many other dangers with a sinking ship. Most of them involve falling, being hit by things, and more of that sort. Or buoyant flotsam pulled down with the sinking ship. When it breaks loose under water, it becomes a missile thrusting upward.

sinking ship
Courtesy of John Ferguson

So what should you do?

  • Get acquainted with the ship BEFORE you start off. Check where the floating devices are, check escape routes, and look for meeting points. Studies on people’s behavior in an emergency situation show that only 15% can stay calm and rational. Most people panic.
  • Listen to and follow instructions from the crew. The international evacuation signal is Seven short blasts and one long.
  • Only attempt to escape on your own if there is no authority present to give directions. (An old sailors-tip: Follow the rats if you see them. They will find the way out.)
  • If you can’t hear instructions or the crew isn’t helping, head up and off the ship. Never go down or inward. Try to reach the outside of the ship. 
  •  Do not take elevators or escalators.
  •  To find the way to the lifeboats, look for crews assisting passengers.

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No, a modern ship does not create very much of a sucking effect. when it sinks. There are many other reasons why someone could be pulled down with a sinking ship, though. And the biggest danger by far is not getting out fast enough. 

