The horrific truth about the first genocide of the 20th century.

The horrific truth about the Namibia genocide 1904 – 1908.

Not many people know about this dark corner of human history. But the horrendous crimes against humanity by the Nazis before, and during WW2 weren’t the first example of German ethnic cleansing. Namibia became a German colony in 1884. Before that, The coastal territory and the southwest, where the diamond mines are situated today, were mostly inhabited by Nama and Herero divided into more groups.

Namibia genocide
Ohamakari – The Waterberg

Africa’s history is a long line of white supremacy, tyranny, oppression, and abuse by European imperialistic countries. But the Namibia genocide pushed the extent of the horrors to new limits.

In 1904, an uprising among the Herero in Okahandja, led to the German Reichstag sending 7000 men under the command of lieutenant general Lothar von Trotha to Namibia. These men were equipped with the best and most modern weapons of the German armed force. After thoroughly preparing, Trotha attacked the Herero army at Ohamakari, the Waterberg.

Commander of the Herero army 1904
Commander Samuel Maharero

Trotha completely overwhelmed the Herero army, but he left an opening for them to flee out into the Kalahari desert. Most of the Herero fighting soldiers died in the battle, but many of the women and children fled into the east. There they were chased by the German soldiers further into the desert. Trotha’s soldiers shot or stabbed to death any Herero still within the German territory, and it was officially declared that the aim was to liberate all of the lands of any Herero.

The Nama uprising.

The other ethnic group in the area, the Namas took up arms against the German troops. Under commander Hendrik Witbooi they effectively raided and attacked German forces between 1904 and 1905. Unfortunately, their rebellion was too small and too late. After many years of internal conflicts with the Hereros, Witbooi didn’t enter the war until well after the battle of Waterberg. And so Trotha’s army had already defeated the Hereros. As often the case in war, there was a lack of coordination.

Still, Witbooi was more successful than his Herero counterpart Chief Samuel Maharero. Instead of facing the Germans head-on, he led the Nama in a reasonably successful guerrilla war. Being much better equipped with knowledge about local geography and nature, and having better stamina, he effectively slowed down the German advances. When he was killed in battle on November 29, 1905, the Namas surrendered.

The butchering stopped.

Chief of the Nama army 1904
Chief Hendrik Witbooi

But let’s get back to the Herero-German war. Finally, the counter-order came from Berlin, and after months of hunting the Hereros, Trotha had to stop the slaughter. Chief Witbooi had fled to Botswana together with a handful of men. The remaining Hereros, mostly women, elderly, and children were half dead from starvation and dehydration after months in the Kalahari desert. The war was finished but the Namibia genocide had just started.

Because the German authorities in Namibia realized they needed manpower. And the indigenous groups other than Herero which they once could have depended on were now mostly avoiding them. And the Hereros themselves were obviously hiding. Still, it was deemed that it would be easier to lure out the shattered Hereros from the bush than try to battle other groups into submission or convince them to work for payment. Remember that by now, none of the Namibian peoples had any confidence left for the Europeans.

So, they sent forth the only ones the Hereros still thought they could trust… The missionaries. With promises of sanctuary in ” rescue”-camps they were persuaded to come out from their hiding. They thought they would be given food, clothing, and medical care. The truth was that very little of that was offered. Instead, they would have to work harder and for a longer time than any human being should ever be forced to do.

The concentration camps.

The term concentration camp was first used by the Spanish in Cuba, and later by the US and the English. The intention was to keep freedom fighters away from the civilians that supported them. It was a military strategy. In Namibia, the Germans took the whole idea one step further. In Namibia, there were no freedom fighters left for the civilians to support.

namibia genocide
A concentration camp in Windhoek. 1905

The camps were mainly of two types: Labour camps, and death camps. The labor camps were many and in different parts of the country. The camp intern got a number stamped on a metal tag, which he or she was ordered to wear at all times. The goal was to offer cheap labor to the German authorities, labor for which the army was paid. But the business was so profitable that even private enterprises entered the market.

The shipping company Woermann-Line had its own concentration camp in Swakopmund. It provided free slave labor for mainly loading and unloading their ships. 

The Namibian railroads 

Many of the buildings in Namibia from the period between 1904 and 1909 are built by slave labor. Even the parliament was built by slaves. But the biggest project of them all, the railway was almost exclusively built by Hereros in the years from 1904 until 1908

In the south, the railway connecting the port of Lüderitz to Keetmanshoop was constructed by Lenz & Co, a German railway construction and operating company. They too used slave labor from the concentration camps. In 1906 they were issued with prisoners to work at the railroad. The year after two-thirds of them were dead. Of 2014 prisoners in 1906, only 655 survived until 1907. 

Slaves in namibia

Shark Island.

But the worst of the concentration camps was shark island. Today it is a peninsula connected to the mainland, but at the beginning of 1900 it was still an island, and it was a forbidden territory. The prisoners who came to shark island weren’t supposed to work or do anything… They were supposed to die. It was an extermination camp of a model we have come to know too well. 

Shark island was off the grid, away from curious testimonies. The prisoners were apart from Hereros also Nama. The latter were according to the German authorities “of no use to the world anymore”. They were given very little food and water. And since there were almost no cooking possibilities, the prisoners had to eat the little rice or flower they had raw. The climate on the coast is cold and the prisoners had no clothing or enough blankets to protect themselves. Furthermore, they were inland people and not used to the strong and humid Atlantic winds.

Just as with the extermination of mostly Jews during the Nazi reign from 1933 to 1945 in Germany, the transports of prisoners to the island were done in boxcars. The prisoners were also not told where they were going, so as to not cause alarm among them. The rumors about shark island were such that the Germans feared rebellion or simply that the inmates could prefer suicide to go to the death camp. 

Shark Island prisoners together with Lieutenant von Durling
namibia genocide
Herero slaves in chains

Eugen Fischer, one of the architects of racial hygiene during the Nazi’s Third Reich.

Other connections to the war crimes by the Nazis later are illustrated by the German anthropologist Eugene Fischer. He came to Namibia in 1906, where he found a population of native African prisoners ready to be used in his horrendous studies. He and his colleagues did experiments on the prisoners. And the body parts of the dead were dissected and studied. 

Eugene Fischer investigated and later shipped 778 conserved heads of concentration camp prisoners to Germany. These relics were stacked away in basements of universities and high schools until 2011 when efforts were initiated to return them to Namibia for burial. This was completed in 2014.

Eugene Fischer’s ideas about race biology would later be influential in laws against mixed marriages. But further on they would be of much more importance than so. His work would become the backbone for racial hygiene efforts not only in Nazi Germany, but also in all of Europe, and other “western” countries until long after the war. Because we should never try to blame all of the race-thinking on the Nazis. These ideas flourished throughout the world, and maybe we still haven’t gotten rid of them completely even today.

Eugene Fischer’s work.

He co-wrote the book Principles of Human Heredity and Race Hygiene together with Erwin Baur and Fritz Lenz, published in 1921. That very book was thoroughly read by Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment in München in 1923, and it became the “scientific” basis for eugenic sterilization programs.

namibia genocide
German soldiers packageing skulls for shipping.

So, what was it with his fixation with skulls? 

He published several books.

  • In 1913 he published The Rehobother Bastards and the bastardization problem in humans. This work was described as combining the earlier Mendelism theories with anthropology. It would become something of a ground plate for the racial biology that swept over Europe in the early 1900s.  
  • In 1927 he co-wrote German heads of Nordic race, another book about heads. The theory was that one could determine characteristics by measuring the head of a person. Firstly, it was about “race”. But these theories were later used to identify all kinds of personalities… Criminal behavior, promiscuity, low intelligence, etc. And in countries surrounding Germany, these theories were used to maintain the possibility of forced sterilization all the way until the 1970s. 
  • In 1943 he co-wrote Das antike Weltjudentum (The ancient world Judaism). 

In 1942 he retired from his position as rector for the Humboldt University of Berlin. He was never prosecuted in the Nurnberg trials and he never answered for his crimes. He died in 1967 after having published two more books in the 1950s. 

What happened with the concentration camps after 1908?

The shark island camp was closed in 1907. The remaining prisoners were transferred to another concentration camp near Radford Bay, where they initially continued dying. They were in such a weakened state. Even so, the conditions in the new camp made the survival prospects a little better.

On April 1, 1908, the prisoner-of-war status for the camp interns was abolished. This meant that all of the concentration camps had to close. The surviving Hereros and Namas were distributed among German landowners and companies. The freed prisoners were also forbidden to own land and therefore they couldn’t go back to the pastoral activity they were used to. The situation didn’t improve in any radical way.


Statue to honor German soldiers in the Namibia genocide.
Reiterdenkmal. memorating the fallen German soldiers.

After the first world war, Germany lost all its colonies. But instead of a free state, German West Africa, as Namibia was called, became a part of the new Union of South Africa, and as such under South African (at that time under British dominion) rule. South Africa became an independent state in 1961. But already in 1948 the National Party introduced Apartheid laws and the people of Namibia found themselves back in a white European racial domination once more.

In 1966 the UN general assembly passed resolution 2145 that should bring the South African sovereignty to an end. But South Africa rejected it and kept its firm grip on Namibia. It would take 26 years to convince the southern African country to set its neighboring country free. On March 21, 1990, the Republic of Namibia was established. 86 years after the battle of Waterberg the Namibian people were finally masters of their own land.

The free republic of Namibia.

But the economy was still mostly in the hands of American, South African, and European companies… And is so til this day. And the land is continuously owned on a large scale by white descendants of German and South African landowners. Today, much effort is made to somehow equalize the economic situation even though many claim it’s not done enough.

In 2021 Germany officially asked the Namibian people for forgiveness for the atrocities committed during German rule. The word “genocide” was used for the first time. Namibia was also granted €1,1 billion in aid by the German government. It is given in 30 years and that makes it less than €40 million a year. That makes it in line with the yearly German DAC mandate aid to Namibia for the years 1990 – 2021. 

But what happened to the memories of the cruelties?

  • Shark island is now a camping site.
  • On top of what once was another camp in Windhoek today stands a German memorial statue, the Reiterdenkmal.
memorial headstone shark island
Courtesy of Johan Jönsson under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.
  • A vast burial ground with unmarked graves of anonymous slave workers outside Lüderitz is now a popular motorcycle and quad track. 
  • At the foot of Ohamakari where the battle of Waterberg was fought, there lies a cemetery for fallen German soldiers.

In later years memorial monuments are being built in many locations all over Namibia. The complete lack of remembrance of the cruelties committed in the first years of the 20th century was brought to attention. So, for many years there was nothing on Shark Island that recorded all those who suffered and died there. But now there is a striking white headstone reading

We commemorate our Heroes. Captain Cornelius Fredericks. 1864-1907. With 167 men, 97 women, 66 children, the sons, daughters, and children of !Ama Community Bethanie Namibia.

Final thoughts.

I have no answers on how to compensate, how to restore, how to remember, or how to forgive. But I don’t think it is for the better to forget, to pretend that it didn’t happen.

There is a very long row of examples of how the African continent was abused, raped, and shackled for hundreds of years by European colonial initiatives. The case of Namibia is a shameful chapter of human history. And it shows us what stupidity, ignorance, and ambition can do to men.

But most of all is it a brutal vision of where illusions about supremacy and superiority can conduct us if we follow along in that direction. And as soon as we start thinking in terms of we, us, and those, the others, we have already taken the first step on that path. 

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namib desert


The truth about the hauntings in Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

The truth about the hauntings in Hoia Baciu Forest, Romania

Hoia Baciu Forest, a 1,000-acre wooded area in Transylvania, Romania is known for its alleged hauntings and strange phenomena. People arrive from every part of the world to see the famous forest and maybe experience some of its secrets. There are many reported hauntings and experiences, famous legends, and accounts. But Hoia forest is somewhat unusual because there have actually been some serious scientific investigations. And the sheer number of paranormal sightings makes it stand out from other similar sites.

Hoia Baciu Forest’s History.

The Forest’s Origins.

Hoia Baciu Forest is thought to have developed more than 10,000 years ago as a result of the last Ice Age glaciers’ retreat. It lies on the larger Transylvanian Plateau, which is renowned for its karst topography and limestone formations. Habitations of the area date back to the Paleolithic era. Humans have lived in the forest for at least 8000 years. And it has been used by local farmers and shepherds using the forest for thousands of years.

hoia baciu forest

Historical Occurrences Related to the Forest.

Hoia Forest has a lengthy, illustrious history. The forest served as a source of timber and a hunting ground for Transylvanian nobility during the Middle Ages. The forest saw action between German and Romanian forces in World War II, leaving behind bunkers and trenches that are still visible today. The former village of Hoia, which was abandoned in the 18th century as a result of repeated raids by Ottoman raiders, was also located in the forest. Even now, the village’s ruins can be seen in the forest.

But let’s get into the hauntings and the ghosts.

Reports of Hauntings

The Hoia Baciu Forest is known for being a hotspot for eerie activity. Numerous reports of strange events have occurred in the forest over the years, including sightings of UFOs, ghostly apparitions, unexplained noises, and strange time dilutions. Some visitors to the forest have described sensations of unease or being watched, and others have faced unpleasant physical symptoms like nausea or dizziness.

The most well-known sighting in the forest took place in 1968 when Emil Barnea, a military technician took a picture of a disc-shaped object hovering over the trees. The image has drawn a great deal of interest and skepticism. Some say it’s a hoax, while others claim it’s real proof of extraterrestrial activity.

… And there are ghosts too.

Hoia Baciu forest

There have been reports of ghostly apparitions in the forest in addition to UFO sightings. Some visitors have claimed to have been touched or pushed by an eerie force, while others have seen shadowy figures or heard voices that didn’t belong to them. Due to the forest’s reputation as a hotspot for paranormal activity, thrill-seekers, ghost hunters, and paranormal investigators frequently visit it.

Many skeptics are still unconvinced despite the numerous reports of paranormal activity in the forest. Some claim that natural phenomena cause the sightings or that people’s overactive imaginations could be to blame. Others contend that the reports could be the result of the “suggestibility effect,” a psychological phenomenon whereby people are more likely to report paranormal experiences when they are in an area that is thought to be haunted.

The Various Sighting and Experience Categories

So, there have been many sightings. So many, in fact, that it would be overwhelming to list them all. Still, here are a few of the most frequently reported phenomena:

  • UFO sightings: The photograph by Emil Barnea is one of the most well-known sightings in the forest. Many other visitors to the forest have reported spotting strange, difficult-to-explain lights or objects in the sky.
  • Alexander Sift claimed he had experienced what he called “shadows”, certain presences that always seemed to be with and behind him. These shadows occasionally resembled a man and a woman. They disappeared as soon as he looked at them though. Even so, Sift was able to capture a picture of the man just as he was about to disappear. The strange creature is depicted while parts of its body were turning translucent.
  • Ghostly manifestations: Visitors have reported seeing eerie figures, hearing voices that don’t belong to them, and sensing the presence of ghostly beings. Some people have asserted that they were pushed or touched by an invisible force.
  • Strange noises: Visitors have reported hearing noises, such as footsteps or whispers, that are eerie and cannot be explained by any readily apparent cause.
  • Missing time: A few visitors have mentioned feeling as though they have been in the forest for a lot longer than they thought they had.
  • Physical sensations: Some visitors have described experiencing physical sensations like nausea or vertigo that they are unable to explain.
hoia baciu forest
Cluj-Napoca University

Still, not every person who visits the forest reports seeing or hearing ghosts. Like always, it seems very much that what you bring in with you, you take out from the forest. The skeptically-minded person would probably see, hear, and experience fewer strange occurrences.

Notable Narratives and Legends Related to the Forest

  • A shepherd went into the forest with 200 sheep and never came out. The shepherd and his flock are said to have vanished without a trace, and their whereabouts are still unknown.
  • A five-year-old girl who got lost in the forest and came out five years later, unaged and with no memory of what had happened to her.

Some of the more scientific evidence of the paranormal in the Hoja forest.

  • Biologist and University of Cluj professor Alexandru Sift oversaw a scientific investigation of the forest in the 1960s. Sift was intrigued by the region’s peculiar vegetation, but he also observed the dense electromagnetic activity in the forest. He proposed that this might be the cause of the strange experiences visitors had reported.
  • Scientists from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca have made some investigations. They discovered that the magnetic field inside the forest was 30% stronger than outside. This could possibly depend on the presence of large quantities of underground water At the site. But they couldn’t determine the reason for the increased magnetism with any certainty.
  • The Romanian Society of Parapsychology carried out one of the most well-known of these studies in the 1990s. The group camped out in the forest for several nights and claimed to have encountered strange lights and noises. They were unable to record any concrete proof of paranormal activity, though.
  • In 2009 and 2012, a group of sleuths from the “Destination Truth” program on the SyFy channel visited the forest. To try and find proof of paranormal activity, they employed a variety of devices and methods, such as electromagnetic field detectors and thermal imaging cameras. Although they recounted a number of strange occurrences, they were “obviously” unable to conclusively prove the presence of ghosts or other paranormal activity in the forest.
UFO over treeline

The results – How should we interpret all these findings?

It is also reasonable to suppose a certain bias. At least some of the groups doing the surveys certainly would very much like to find evidence. According to my limited experience, Destination Truth and The Romanian Society of Parapsychology do not hold up to scrutiny. Alexandru Sift was a biologist and maybe he too isn’t the right man to ask. But there are other issues…

The photo In 1968 by Emil Barnea is one of the sharpest and best-focused ever according to many UFO experts. Still, when looking at it, I can’t liberate myself from the idea of a manipulated photo, but I’m no photo expert… You judge for yourself.

The “witch” circle.

Inside the forest, there is a perfectly circular area without trees. Nothing grows there other than grass, and the trees around it twist and turn seemingly trying to avoid the round opening. Biologists have studied the ground there to investigate if there is something preventing the vegetation from overgrowing the area. But there seems to be no obvious biological reason for the phenomena.

paranormal activity in Romania

The “paranormal” truth about Hoia forest?

Some researchers claim the forest could be a doorway to another world or the source of a mystical or spiritual energy that dates back thousands of years. Others contend that the region has a long history of paranormal activity and that the reports of hauntings and other strange occurrences are merely a component of the forest’s folklore.

The scientific community has been unable to fully explain the reported hauntings in Hoia Baciu Forest despite decades of research. Some scientists have hypothesized that the peculiar experiences that visitors have may be related to the forest’s distinctive geomagnetic field. Some reports of unusual sights or sounds in the forest have been attributed to infrasound or sound waves at a frequency below the threshold of human hearing.

The Hoia Baciu Forest Hauntings: The Real Story

Attitudes and Beliefs Towards the Forest

Reported strange presents and experiences can obviously be a result of exaggeration, misunderstanding, or plain old fear and superstition. As normally, functional human beings we are prone to put our internal view of things into words and narratives about the external universe. We start with a conviction and then we adjust what we see and hear to confirm that conviction. And so, reports and testimonies should always be accepted very cautiously.

Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania
Cluj-Napoca. The town is close to the forest.

The myths and legends associated with the forest may also create a “feedback loop” of expectation and belief. Visitors who have heard tales of the forest’s hauntings may be more inclined to anticipate having a paranormal experience, which in turn may make them more inclined to interpret ambiguous sights or sounds as proof of the supernatural.

Hoaxes and intentional deceivings

Many of the experiences that people have claimed to have had in Hoia Baciu Forest can actually be explained by less bizarre things like hoaxes, incorrect identification of natural phenomena, and even hallucinations brought on by stress or fear. Any more or less touristic spot on the map could gain or lose depending on the publicity it gets. Hoia forest definitely has a solid reputation for being haunted, and that of course leads to more visitors and more income. It is not far-fetched to assume that at least some of the reporting is made by people who are just trying to maintain that reputation.

How Culture and Perception Affect How Paranormal Experiences Are Interpreted.

Furthermore, how people interpret ambiguous sights or sounds may vary depending on cultural preconceptions regarding ghosts, UFOs, and other supernatural occurrences. For instance, a person from a culture where ghosts are strongly believed to exist may be more inclined to interpret a strange sound as proof of a ghostly presence.

Final thoughts about Hoia Forest

Hoia Baciu Forest
Adrian Pătruț

Adrian Pătruț’s work.

Alexander Sift died in 1993, and shortly thereafter most of his documentation on the Hoia forest was stolen. The little that remained was collected by Adrian Pătruț, professor in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. He became one of the most important continuers of Sift’s effort. He also wrote a book about the forest, including material that for now cannot be scientifically explained.

But just like so many other places with reported paranormal activity, we can’t really prove indisputably one way or the other. Even Pătruț, who is absolutely convinced of the reality of the phenomena, questions the results when he confesses that they totally
depend on the person who enters the forest.

– A skeptic will probably walk out of there unscathed.

Final thoughts

Hoia Baciu Forest is a very spooky and alluring location, no doubt about that. The forest in itself brings you to imagine all kinds of things. Although the reported hauntings in the forest are still not entirely understood by science, the experiences reported by visitors cannot be completely discounted. And at least some of the evidence cannot be easily excluded

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Hoia Baciu Forest, I would say is very interesting. One would definitely like to see better images of UFOs or have better documentation of small girls disappearing for five years and then coming back without any explanation. The fact that it is a big area, a forest of 1000 acres so if the phantoms plan to stay out of sight, they can. Although increasingly touristic, it’s still a possible paranormal site.


Malahide Castle, just outside Dublin, is one of Ireland’s most haunted.

Malahide Castle, just outside Dublin, is one of Ireland’s most haunted.

One of the supposedly spookiest castles in the entire world is Malahide Castle. The castle, which is in County Dublin, Ireland, is well-known for its many ghosts and apparitions. But it’s also a very appreciated leisure spot where locals and tourists go to experience some of the fascinating Irish history, nature, music, and sports. In this article, we will investigate if there could possibly exist any real paranormal phenomena among all the happy holiday- and Sunday visitors.

A brief background to Malahide Castle

It’s situated just 14 kilometers north of Dublin, Ireland, in the small coastal town of Malahide. With a history that dates back to the 12th century, it is one of the oldest castles in Ireland.

Sir Richard Talbot, a formidable Norman knight who was given the land by King Henry II of England, first constructed the castle in the 12th century. The Talbot family lived there for more than 800 years, constructing additions and improvements throughout the centuries.

malahide castle

The castle has witnessed a great number of battles and sieges. It played a significant role in the political and military affairs of the time and was at the epicenter of the power struggles between the Irish and English during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Despite suffering significant damage during the Irish uprising of 1641, the castle was rebuilt in the 18th century by the Talbot family, who focused on the structure’s aesthetics and added a number of elaborate features, including the magnificent Gothic Revival Great Hall.

The last Talbot owner sold it to the Irish state in 1975. More about that later on.

Why is it called Malahide?

Malahide, which in Irish means “Hill of the Hydes,” is a place name. Prior to the Talbots, there was a family called the Hydes who were renowned for their generosity and hospitality.

The Family Talbot

One of the most powerful families in Ireland, the Talbots had a presence outside the boundaries of the castle. They were well known for their wealth, influence in politics, and support of the arts.

Malahide Castle Talbot Family
Richard Wogan Talbot II

When the Talbot family first settled in Malahide in the 12th century, they gradually added to and upgraded the castle, transforming it into the imposing building it is today. The Talbot family lived in the castle for more than 800 years, and many of Malahide Castle’s most well-known ghosts are said to have appeared during this time.

Being a prominent family, the Talbots frequently found themselves at the center of political scheming and conflict. A number of the family members participated in uprisings against British rule during the 17th century, and the castle was frequently besieged as a result.

Despite these difficulties, the Talbots were able to hold onto their sway for many years. They had their own currency at one point because they were so strong. Rose Talbot, the sister of Milo, the 7th Baron of Talbot, was the castle’s most recent owner. He passed away in 1973, leaving Rose the castle, who was forced to give it up to the Irish government because of inheritance taxes.

The Talbot family’s influence is imminent inside the premises. The numerous rooms and hallways host decorations and furniture from the 15th century all the way up until the 1950s. It is an impressive residence… And it supposedly has a pretty impressive collection of ghosts as well.

The Haunted Castle of Malahide

A number of ghosts, each with their own legend and story, reside at Malahide Castle. Here are six of the most well-known specters rumored to haunt the castle:

  1. The ghost of Maud Plunkett: One of Malahide Castle’s most well-known ghosts is that of Maud Plunkett. Her ghost is thought to serve as a tragic reminder of her murder and is said to wander the castle wearing a white dress. The story goes that Sir Walter Hussey, Maud’s husband, killed her because he was envious of her wealth. Many visitors to the castle claim to experience a chill when they are close to the spot where Maud’s alleged murder took place.
  2. The ghost of Lord Galtrim, who is infamous for his violent tendencies and elaborate attire. He was said to have been a notorious drinker, and gambler, and to have treated his servants with great cruelty. He is sometimes spotted by guests walking through the halls, and some even claim to feel a chill in the air when he is nearby.
Malahide Castle Ghosts
  1. The ghost of the Lord Chief Justice: It is said that the Lord Chief Justice’s ghost can be heard screaming in agony throughout the entire castle. His execution, according to legend, was due to his participation in a scheme to overthrow the government. Visitors mention hearing his screams and experiencing uneasiness when they are close to the spot where he was put to death.
  2. Miles Corbett’s ghost is another well-known ghost that resides in Malahide Castle. He supposedly supported Oliver Cromwell and was executed for his participation in the English Civil War. Sometimes, people claim to see his ghost wandering the corridors wearing a white shirt.
  3. The ghost of the White Lady: She frequently appears floating through the castle while wearing a white dress. She was a young woman who, according to legend, was made to marry against her will. She passed away soon after her wedding, and it is said that her ghost serves as a reminder of her tragic end. Many times, visitors to the castle claim to see her ghost and get a chill when she is nearby.

… The most well-known ghost, however, goes by the name of Puck.

According to the legend, Puck was in charge of guarding the castle and warning his masters if the enemy was nearby. Puck neglected his responsibilities one crucial evening and failed to warn the Talbots of an impending attack. Many people died as a result of the enemy invasion of the castle. Puck is said to have hanged himself in the castle after feeling overwhelmed by guilt and shame over his failure.

Malahide Castle the library

But sometimes the stories don’t line up. Others assert that he worked for the Talbot family as a jester. He committed suicide because of a broken heart after the family no longer required his services. The area where he once performed is frequently where visitors to the castle report feeling uneasy.

Others claimed to have heard his laughter and noticed odd movements out of the corner of their eyes before turning to discover nobody was there. Additionally, he detests changes to the castle, especially those that are unfavorable. There were reportedly many incidents when Rose Talbot turned over the castle in 1975. That clearly didn’t sit well with Puck.

Puck is regarded as a friendly ghost despite his reputation for mischief. In an effort to curry his favor and keep away from his pranks, visitors to the castle frequently leave offerings of coins, treats, and other little trinkets in his honor.

His name is pùca, which is an Irish word that simply means “ghost.”

So, are the ghost stories true in any way?

Let’s examine what we have:

There hasn’t been a thorough and well-documented paranormal investigation of the site, as far as I can tell. That might be a result of the Castle’s managers’ reluctance to approve such endeavors. The castle has developed into a significant tourist destination with a variety of attractions. The Talbot Botanic Gardens, which has a Victorian conservatory, a cricket field, two golf courses, tennis courts, and a boules area, is part of the estate. Additionally, there is a visitor center, a cafè, and a large children’s playground.

As if that weren’t enough, Shannon Heritage, the site’s current operating partner, has been opening up for concerts since 2007. This covers appearances by artists like Liam Gallagher, The Cure, Nile Rodgers, and Depeche Mode, among others.

The ghost tours are a part of the deal because the castle is managed and marketed as a full-service attraction. It still doesn’t focus on paranormal phenomena as much as many other places of a similar nature. However, that is not a drawback. It could provide us with more precise information about any eerie activities taking place.

Even so, simply put, no concrete evidence other than witness testimony has surfaced. The only thing we have are stories of feelings, a sense of chill, and uneasiness. No registrations, video footage, photo, or even a scraping EVP.

What the experts say.

However, the Castle is stunning and it has a fascinating past. You should definitely visit it if are in the neighborhood, and you don’t mind the complete lack of paranormal activity.

Malahide Castle, Dublin view from the park

Practical Information

The best way to get the most recent information about visiting hours is to always check Malahide Castle’s official website. It is situated nine miles north of Dublin’s downtown in the lovely coastal town of Malahide.

  • Address: Malahide Castle in Malahide, County Dublin, Ireland.
  • Telephone +353 1 8169538
  • e-mail to

Use these contact options if you have any inquiries or wish to make a reservation for a guided tour. The ghost tours provide an exciting look into the castle’s past although you are not likely to be able to witness any real paranormal phenomena. They are available all year long, but it is advised to make reservations in advance.

In-depth information about the history of the castle, and the Talbot family, is also available in the form of self-guided audio tours. The audio tours can be purchased on-site and come in a variety of languages.

The estate also has two distinct gardens, a children’s playground, and the only butterfly house in Ireland.

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There really isn’t much to go on. Stories and feelings. I can’t consider it reasonable to give the beautiful Malahide Castle more the one star… And that’s just because I don’t give zero stars.



Beelitz Heilstätten

Beelitz Heilstätten’s haunted history.

Just a short ride to the southwest of Berlin is supposedly one of the most haunted places in Germany. Beelitz Heilstätten, an abandoned Sanatorium from the beginning of 1900 has become a paranormal hotspot. Although the many buildings in red and yellow bricks and seemingly endless rows of trees, hedges, and roads give it an eery feeling, it’s not haunted. It’s still a striking scenery with a fascinating history.

How to get to Beelitz Heilstätten.

Some 30 miles southwest of Berlin, Germany, lies a small town called Beelitz, sometimes called “home of the white asparagus” because of its abundance of the delicious vegetable. Other than that, there isn’t very much to say about this place. A much more interesting destination is just a few miles drive to the northwest. 

Follow the Strasse nach Fichtenwalde and after a minute or two, a huge complex of reddish and yellowish Art Nouveau buildings between old dark green beeches and alders will fill the windscreen. 500 acres of spooky trees dotted by 60 dark and desolate edifices. 

This is the Beelitz Heilstätten Pulmonary Sanatorium… Supposedly one of the most haunted spots in Germany. 

Beelitz Heilstätten Sanatorium – A short background.

The hospital was built in three faces, 1898 – 1902, 1908 – 1910, and 1926 –1930. These were wartimes in Europe as well as a period of big changes in the German political, and economic framework. During the first world war, some of the structures were used as a war hospital. 

  • Adolf Hitler was treated here from October 9 to December 4, 1916, for a shrapnel wound after the battle of Somme. 

… And of course, the same use was applied during WW2.

Beelitz Heilstätten
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

After the war, the occupying Sovjet Red Army continued to use Beelitz Heilstätten as a military hospital all the way until 1994, five years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. 

  • In late 1990 the General Secretary of the Communist Party of East Germany, Erich Honecker was treated here for Liver Cancer before he was abruptly flown to Moscow in 1991.
  • There are also rumors that the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, was a patient in the late 1980s. That fact can not be confirmed.

A few buildings were refurbished and now have clinical use. For example, there’s a recognized Parkinson’s Specialist clinic as well as a few other specialist wards.

From 2001 to 2015 many of the buildings were left to decay and vandalism due to a lack of funds. 

Since 2015 the parks and the buildings have had separate owners, and plans for the whole area include health and welfare activity as well as residential areas. For now, the future of Beelitz Heilstätten isn’t 100% confirmed, but work is ongoing to restore and secure the premises. 

Beelitz Heilstätten

Many of the scariest and ghostliest photos you see online are from the abandoned years when anyone could just step in and walk around inside the crumbling buildings. That is not possible anymore.  

So what

 about the hauntings?

Well… There are numerous stories, legends, anecdotes, and video footage of strange sounds, voices, touchings, and opening and closing doors, windows, and hatches. All the normal stuff, as you will see. 

More precisely the following have been witnessed:

  • Apparitions of former patients who have been seen roaming the corridors. 
  • Visitors have claimed to have been approached by shadowy figures. Shadows have been seen sliding along the walls, as well as other light anomalies.
  • Voices, phantom footsteps, screams, and other unexplained sounds have been heard and sometimes registered
  • Some spots are much colder (or hotter) than the surrounding areas.
  • Shapes moving quickly past empty windows. 
  • Feelings of being watched, being followed, not being alone. Some subjects can confirm feelings of strong hostility in certain locations.

These affirmations mostly come from websites, podcasts, and in a particular mode, youtube videos. A reasonably serious paranormal investigation (… and I would even accept any of the bigger Ghosthunting Tv series) has never been done. The best we have are videos like this:

Can you draw a conclusion already at this stage?

Yes, I think you can, but let’s look at some documented real creepy activity from the last decades.

Crimes and incidents in the neighborhood.

  • Between 1989 and 1991 a serial killer, known as the Beast of Beelitz or the Pink Giant, stalked Beelitz. Former police officer Wolfgang Schmidt murdered six people and tried to kill three more in and around the small town. Two victims were the wife of a Russian doctor and their newborn child. They were assassinated in the neighborhood of Beelitz Heilstätten, and the circumstances of the killings were gruesome. 
  • In 2008 an amateur photographer killed his model inside the premises. He used to do erotic photo sessions within the ghostly environment. The murder was inspired by the 1991 murder. 
  • In 2010 a young man fell from a window on the fourth floor. He died from his injuries.
  • Also in 2010, a man fell four meters into a hole, while unlawfully spending the night together with three friends inside the hospital. He survived.
  • In 2011 a homeless person who had lived for many years on the site hung himself in one of the buildings.
Beelitz Heilstätten 1904
Beelitz Heilstätten 2022

And the verdict is… 

We have only anecdotal evidence, nothing else. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t have to mean that we don’t have any evidence at all. What people say, and what can be derived from statements can be very informative. We use testimonies in court all the time. Still, small talk and chit-chat should be treated with suspicion. So, to debunk the stories we have quite a few arguments on the skeptical side:

  • The fact that there is no hard evidence at all is damaging to the proposal of paranormal activity. Not even a half-credible footage or mumbling EVP-audio of some sort. 

Now, if we try to come up with motives for faking the videos or inventing the stories, there are mountains of those. 

  • Ghosts underneath the SanatoryThe environment is perfect as a background for ghost stories. It’s vast, 200 acres with 60 different buildings to explore.
  • The premises were unguarded and open to anybody for 15 years. No barbed wire, no CCTV, no guards, and most importantly, no guard dogs. You could practically just bring a cell phone and make your own Ghost video in a few hours. 
  • The historical background is almost as perfect as it could possibly be. The German and Soviet armies, Erich Honecker, and even Adolf Hitler himself are in the logbook. That’s impressive. 
  • The medical/hospital environment creates a special atmosphere. There’s nothing as intriguing as a sign with a psychological ward on it, or old rusty hospital equipment.
  • Some hauntings include ghosts and phantoms from the deceased by the terrible experiments conducted on Romani and Sinti prisoners, political adversaries to the NSDAP, disabled, POWs but with greater determination on Jews by the Nazis. These experiments were carried out in Concentration Camps such as Auschwitz and Mauthausen. In Beelitz Heilstätten there were never any prisoners and during both world wars, the whole structure was a military hospital. The stories about human experiments and euthanasia are simply false.  
  • It is situated no more than a 45 minutes train ride from Berlin, the biggest city in the whole European Union (after the UK left). 

More facts…

Monument over Russian soldiers of WW2
Monument of fallen Russian soldiers.

During the abandoned years, vandalism and theft were huge problems. Every day the inhabitants of the small community had to cope with hoards of roaming youths, disturbing the tranquil little neighborhood. Other than just partying and exploring, metal scraps were also stolen from every part of the hospital. Even roof piles in copper and zink were taken down to be sold. 

In that context, locals tried to defend what they looked upon as their inheritance. In doing so they created ghosts, they manufactured them themselves to try to scare away the intruders. There are stories about people hiding inside the buildings, moving objects and whispering words from ventilation shafts, etc. Some of these stories can be confirmed, but even if they’re not, they still provide a good explanation for how ghostly activity possibly could be explained.

Almost all documentation of paranormal activity is from the period 2001 – 2015.

The Movie… Yes, Beelitz Heilstätten has its own Movie too. 

It is simply called Heilstätten. 

The German production from 2018 was directed by Michael David Pate and starred Nilam Farooq, Emilio Sakraya, Timmi Trinks, Sonja Gerhardt, and Tim Oliver Schultz.

The story tells of four friends and Youtubers who engage in a 24-hour challenge to stay within the haunted hospital in hope of making a truly viral video. They all start out much like many of the Youtube videos you can find if you search for Beelitz Heilstätten… Young and slightly overconfident entrepreneurs in search of a good story. But after some cool initial footage of the four participants, the friendly enterprise very soon turns into a much more sinister and dangerous affair, although not actually including any paranormal entities.

… Oops, was that a plot spoiler? 

If you like scary movies of the handheld flickering camera type, this one could be a winner. 

A particular fact is that the new owners of Beelitz Heilstätten didn’t authorize the film team to shoot inside the premises. The movie contains some footage from the outside of the hospital but all inside footage is actually from Grabowsee Sanatorium about 40 miles to the north.


It seems the Beelitz Sanatorium has become a paranormal hotspot mostly because it was abandoned for 15 years. That made it a perfect spot to shoot videos and invent legends. The obvious accessibility of the premises turned it into a cheap and easy target for Youtube wannabes

No. there are no ghosts at Beelitz Heilstätten. Not even a small, friendly one.

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Is the word Eskimo inappropriate to use? Should I say Inuit? Eskimo vs Inuit, what’s the correct term to use?

Is the word Eskimo inappropriate to use? Should I say Inuit?
Eskimo vs Inuit, what’s the correct term to use?

The word, Eskimo is fading from use. Most Natives of the Arctic regions from Greenland to Chukotka (Russia) prefer the term Inuit as a collective nominative. More correctly two distinctive groups could be the Yupik in northeast Russia, and western Alaska, and the Inuit in northern Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. Even better is to use the correct local name of the different native groups… Kalaallit, Inupiat, Yup’ik, Alutiiq, Sugpiaq, Unangax̂, Aleut, etc.

Are they even one people?

Yes, they are.

eskimo vs inuit

About 9000 years BC, the Bering Strait opened up and closed the land connection between Siberia and America. For a period of 20.000 years before that, people could migrate from Asia to Alaska dry-shod. The whole American continent was first populated over the Bering land bridge.

In the beginning, the Laurentide Ice Sheet blocked the way south, so the new immigrants had to stay more or less in Alaska. But as the Ice melted new lands opened up for exploration. Many went south, but some went east. We don’t know much about these early settlers but what we do know is that about 4500 years ago, Paleo-Inuit were present in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland.

Then, around 1000 AD, a new group expanded eastward through Canada. These were the Thule people who had been living around the Bering strait for a very long time. But for some reason, in just a few hundred years, they spread all the way to Greenland, and subsequently pushed other groups back. 

The Thule were able to process iron, and that could have been a reason for their fast expansion. By the 14th century, they were present in all of today’s Inuit areas. These Thule are the Inuit’s ancestors.

That’s why they are tied together.

So, the Inuit spread across the Arctic less than a thousand years ago. Since then the different groups have developed somewhat different traditions and languages. The Yupik language is spoken mostly around the original location of the Thule: western Alaska and Siberia. 

Someone could look at the normal map (Google map) and note a long distance between Alaska and Greenland. But using a different angle, it becomes obvious that the polar region actually is rather limited. And apart from the extreme environment spot on the North pole, the regions around it, together with the sea ice, could be seen as one single continent… And a reasonably small continent. The Inuit population has conquered and today, inhabit this part of the globe. It’s their land. 

The stupid borders…

Unfortunately, their land is divided into various nations, even different continents. There are other peoples all over the world facing exactly the same issue. The national borders, sometimes drawn with a pen on a map without any knowledge about the realities of the territory, divide and separate populations, groups, and even families. 

The white man has a dubious reputation in some parts of our planet. He brings diseases, he brings guns and warfare, he brings alcohol and he has a peculiar idea about land… He likes to put fences and flags into the ground and then this part is this, and that part is that. 

The Europeans, without understanding the ethnic and territorial facts, have treated the Inuit like second-class citizens for centuries, in the US, Canada, Russia (The Soviet Union), and Denmark. In recent years many of the Indigenous people present on all continents all over the world, rightfully have reclaimed some of their lost rights and privileges. 

The Sami of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia is one example. Their Saami Council, founded in 1956, is a voluntary organization dealing with Saami policy tasks within these different nations.

constructing an igloo ArcticIn the same way, the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), founded in 1977, is a body that represents all Inuit from Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Chukotka in Siberia on matters of international importance.

We all want to be called by the correct name.

So, back to the name. Eskimo vs Inuit.

Inuit is the name for those previously called Eskimo. The Inuit Circumpolar Council decided in 1977 after having debated Eskimo vs Inuit, to prefer the term Inuit instead of the previously used Eskimo. The Inuit have never referred to themselves as Eskimo. In Canada and Greenland, the term has a derogative significance. This supposedly has to do with some interpreters having the word Eskimo meaning “Eater of raw meat”.

But it is normal that one would prefer naming oneself instead of having a complete stranger telling you what you’re supposed to be called. And that, in a strange language too. I believe it’s as simple as that. 

aurora borealis

The decision to use Inuit for all, was a somewhat pragmatic compromise. 

Most people would have had a hard time distinguishing exactly who they would be talking about. And having one, single, and easy way to substitute Eskimo for something else, would be a great help. 

The eastern Inuit agreed, but the linguistically distinct group of Yupik didn’t like the idea. The term Inuit would mean that they still have to call themselves something that wasn’t in their own language. 

  • The word Inuit is the plural of Inuk meaning person, in Inuit language. Thus Inuit means People.
  • The word Yupik means real person from the term Yuk, meaning person, in Yupik language.

So, even though Inuit is accepted everywhere in the Arctic, a more correct way to address those from western, central, and southern Alaska would be Yup’ik (written with the accent.), and the people of Siberia and S:t Lawrence island as Yupik.  

Here are some more rules when addressing the American Indigenous people.

Generally accepted rules about First Nation and First People:

  • The term Inuit replaces the term Eskimo. 
  • The term First Nation replaces the term Indian.
  • First Peoples is an all-encompassing term that includes Inuit, First Nations, and Métis.

The groups within the Inuit community.

eskimo vs inuit

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The correct term for the people formerly known as Eskimo, is Inuit. Better still is to refer to the western groups as Yupik or Yup’ik.



Ice cream, apple pie, and chocolate… Sugar is tasty, but it’s also claimed to be unhealthy. So, can you live without sugar?

Ice cream, apple pie, and chocolate… Sugar is tasty, but it’s also claimed to be unhealthy. So, can you live without sugar?

Can you live without sugar?

I suffer from diabetes. I have dysfunctional insulin production and have to balance the sugar intake with injected insulin.  The body of a non-diabetic regulates this by itself, but I need to take injections. 

The principle is the same though… The more sugar, the more insulin, injected or naturally produced. So, I started wondering, why all this fuss about it, about the sugar? Why not just throw it out altogether, the apple pies, and the ice cream… Why not completely stop eating sugar, and my blood sugar values would be under control…

And I wondered… Is it possible? Can you live without sugar?

  • Disclaimer: I am not a scientist, nor a medical expert. Before trying any radical diet, please consult your primary care provider

Sugar is the fuel for the human organism.

can you live without sugar

Sugar is a generic name for soluble, sweet carbohydrates. Any carb with only one or two sugar molecules will taste sweet and is called sugar. All carbohydrates, one, two, or more molecules, are our body’s main source of energy. We need them to move, think, and all the rest. Without carbs, we would still survive because of backup systems like ketosis, where fat is used for energy. But, in the long run, with no carbs, you will face health issues. More about that further ahead.

Sugar – A chemical definition.

So, can you live without sugar? Yes of course you can, if you’re Ok with sacrificing grandma’s brownies. But the real question should be, can you live completely without carbohydrates? That is, without any bread, potatoes, rice, beans, fruit, etc..

A very simplified way to explain the complex system of carbohydrates is this:

There are three monosaccharides, single-molecule carbohydrates. These are glucose, fructose, and galactose. These three contain the building blocks, and they are very sweet, especially glucose. If you put two of these molecules together, you get a disaccharide, e.g. normal table sugar (sucrose) which is one glucose molecule and one fructose molecule. Sucrose is produced from processing Sugarcanes or sugar beets and these disaccharides are still very sweet.

Combining more molecules you get oligosaccharides (roughly 3-10 monosaccharide molecules) and polysaccharides, which is starch (more than 10 monosaccharides ). These are not very sweet. 

If you continue with even longer chains of monosaccharides, you arrive at cellulose. The cellulose chains are so long and robust that most animals can’t digest them. Only cows and other ruminants, and a few other species, have that capacity. We humans use it for paper and paper products.

diagram carbohydratesSo, all carbohydrates work in the same way, then?

Not really. And this is the heart of the matter. Our body can only absorb monosaccharides, so before any carbohydrate longer than one molecule can be of any use to us it has to be broken down. This process happens in the small intestine with the help of enzymes, and the longer the carb chain is, the more the intestine has to work, and the longer it takes. 

That’s why diabetics are advised to eat more complex carbohydrates… Vegetables, whole wheat bread, and other stuff with lots of fiber in it. That is also one of the reasons why table sugar is regarded as not as healthy as whole grain. Complex carbohydrate helps control the blood sugar, and it makes the intestine exercise, which is another benefit.

Can you live without sugar?

Yes. Table sugar isn’t necessary, nor is it beneficial.

Can you live without carbohydrates, altogether?

Yes, you can. Because the human body’s gastrointestinal tract is a miracle of flexibility. After all, we are one of the very few species that have spread to every corner of this planet, excluding Antarctica. And we have done so partly because our digestion system is so incredibly adaptable… Which brings us to the Inuit and their very particular diet…

The Inuit and the high-protein diet.

Inuit in kayak

There are certain places on our planet where things just do not grow. One such place is the vast, frozen land around the north pole –  Greenland, and the northern parts of Siberia, Alaska, and Canada. The Inuit who live there, are forced, by the climate, to limit their intake of carbohydrates. Instead, their traditional diet consisted almost exclusively of the two other main parts of our food: protein and fat.

According to most diet experts, they should all be high on cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, and cancer. They should have extreme cholesterol levels, and no teeth left after 30, with a high protein diet like that.

But strangely, they seem to be just as healthy as anybody else even though they eat almost no carbs whatsoever. It’s a mystery and has been so for a long time…

The Inuit paradox

So, how can they be so healthy with an almost complete lack of carbs? And we’re back to the extreme capacity for adaptation within the human race. 

Harold Draper, biochemist, and expert in Eskimo nutrition:

  –  There are no essential foods… Only essential nutrients. And humans can get those nutrients from diverse and eye-opening sources.

One big problem with the Inuit diet would be the lack of vital vitamins, present mostly in vegetables, and fruits. But researchers found vitamins in a lot of different animal food sources. 

traditional Inuit food
Traditional Inuit Muktuk. Courtesy of cogdogblog.

D-vitamins that are produced by the sunlight, are also found in fatty fish. 

  • A-vitamins are also plentiful in the oils of cold-water fishes and sea mammals. 
  • Even vitamin C, typically found in citrus fruits, can be extracted from meat, fish, and internal organ, especially if it’s raw. The Inuit diet includes quite a lot of frozen raw meat. Muktuk, a traditional Inuit dish made of frozen whale skin and blubber, contains weight for weight as much vitamin C as orange juice.
  • Fat or sugar? What to choose?

    Can you live without sugar for energy?… Fat and carbohydrates are the body’s main energy sources. Fat is for storage, and carbs are for immediate use. Both have their issues, but there’s nothing inherently worse with fat as an energy resource. 

    And the intuits still eat some carbohydrates. A minimal part of carbs come from the tubers, and berries they pick in summer. Another source is the glycogen present in meat, especially raw meat.

    The fantastic evolution of the human body.

    For many years, omega 3, a beneficial fatty acid, was considered the reason why the Inuit didn’t die from heart attacks at a greater range. Omega 3 is a known protector against cardiovascular diseases, and the Inuit population has very high levels of omega 3.  Even though they eat a lot of protein and fats they are not subject to more heart problems than the rest of us.

    Workers in a sugarcane field
    Workers in a sugarcane field.

    But recent studies have discovered a gene, a mutation, found in the Inuit population. This mutation partly counteracts the effects of a diet high in marine mammal fat. Interestingly it is also in some way connected to height. Inuit, in fact, are statistically much shorter than their Canadian, Danish, and Russian peers. This would be another advantage in a cold climate.

    Is a complete no-carb diet healthy? … Or even possible?

    So, back to my diabetes. Would it be possible to throw all the carbohydrates out the window, and eat only fat and proteins? Can you live without sugar… completely?

    It evidently is possible. The fantastic human body, perfected after billions of years of evolution, can take almost anything. It can adapt.

    But… And this is maybe the crucial point, would it be good for me, even if I’m a diabetic? 

    What the scientists say. 

    There is a clear link between low-carb diets and increased health risks. Many studies have confirmed that. But much like the Inuit, you will have to increase fat and proteins, if you decrease carbohydrates. And there’s also a clear link between eating animal protein, especially red meat, and increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. 

    So, do you get sicker because you eat fewer carbs, or because you eat more steaks?

    However, excluding carbs altogether doesn’t seem like a good idea, unless you’re of Inuit origin. 

    ccan you live without sugar

    There is also a clear link between refined sugar and health risks. Maybe the choice shouldn’t be so much between simple and complex carbohydrates, as between refined and non-refined. The sugar in the apple pie is more damaging than the sugar in the apple

    Is a piece of apple pie really all that dangerous?

    No, not really. If you eat one piece and stop there. Even a diabetic can eat one small piece of apple pie without any particular consequences. Sweets taste good, and as long as you don’t exaggerate, don’t be too hard on yourself. 

    There still are a few general propositions about healthy dieting I would like to make. Some basic rules for any diet, anywhere. 

    • Surviving is different from living for many years. You can survive on whatever for a short period of time, but if the nutrition is incomplete, you risk your long-term health.
    • It is always preferable to mix. The more one-sided you eat, the greater the health risk. (So, it’s better to eat fat, protein, AND carbs.)
    • Unrefined food is preferable to refined
    • Seasonal food is preferable to food that is out of season and maybe imported.
    • You can go low on something, low protein, low fat, or low carb. But do not exclude anything. We are built to eat a little of everything. And we need all of it, at least to some degree.


    First, you can and should avoid refined sugar.

    Secondly, living completely without or with a limited intake of carbohydrates is possible, that is, you will survive. But unless you are an Inuit or of Inuit origin, it’s unhealthy. And even if you are of Inuit blood, the modern lifestyle and the many easily accessible industrially made foods suggest that a no-carb diet could still be very harmful. Hey, even a low-carb diet should be used with caution.

    We just don’t get around it. We need the carbs, at least some of them… Just like we need protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, and all the rest.  We are omnivorous.

    … And maybe that includes a piece of the apple pie and a small brownie too. 

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    Yes, you can and should live without refined sugar. But to live for an extended period without any carbohydrates? That, I’d say, would be very risky.

    sugar and carbs in food


    If you look at it it seems completely incomprehensible with all the frets and strings. But is guitar hard to learn?

    Is guitar hard to learn?

    Reasons why the guitar is so popular.

    Of all the musical instruments, there are few with such a wide range of types, models, and different ways to play, and in different styles as the guitar. It is the king of every rock band, and thousands of more or less famous rock legends have treated it with passion or violence on stage, during the last 70 to 80 years, in front of screaming teenagers. 

    woman with guitar 17th century

    It is also one of the oldest instruments still in use today. And it comes in a huge variety of models, six strings, seven, eight, twelve, small, big, acoustic, electric, and even with double or even triple neck. There are all kinds and for every taste. You just have to learn how to play it. And that’s where it sometimes gets a little uncertain… 

    Because how on earth could you ever make order in all that chaos lurking between the six strings, and the 19 or more frets… How could you ever decipher the code and understand where to put down the finger…? 

    A reason why the guitar seems difficult.

    Is Guitar hard to learn? The guitar is difficult in the very beginning. The strange position, the many strings, and all the frets. But it gets easier as you get familiar with the outlining of the instrument. If you play fingerstyle you have to play each string separately. That needs more studying. The easiest technique is strumming. You can learn a few chords to accompany a song in no time. Just like everything else though, the key to succeeding is persistence. 

    The different types of guitars.

    So, I asked my dear friend and colleague Professor Nicola Marsi, guitarist and guitar teacher. This is some of what he told me, but let’s start with a look at the instrument itself. There is a vast number of different types, and a guitar is actually not one instrument but a whole family of instruments. 

    A broad distinction would be that between acoustic and electric guitars. 

    • The acoustic guitar has a built-in resonance chamber – The vibration from the string is amplified inside the hollow body. It sounds good as it is. In this category, we also have the classic guitar.
    • The electric guitar doesn’t have any resonance of its own. Unplugged, it is almost mute. It has microphones underneath the strings, and you need to connect the guitar to an amplifier to be able to hear anything.
    is guitar hard to learn

    Which one is easier to learn? At this point, it’s about the same.

    Which guitar technique is the easiest?

    This also is a vast field, and there are many different ways to play the instrument. Three basic distinctions could roughly be something like this:

    The position of the guitar.

    • The classical technique. Sitting down, you position the guitar on your left leg, and the neck points upwards at about 45°. You put the left foot on a footstool to raise it about half afoot. This gives a somewhat better position for the left hand to be able to play fingerstyle. 
    • The Acoustic/Electric technique. You position the guitar over your right leg or hang it over your shoulders with a strap, standing up. The guitar neck is often a little lower than the classic style. How high you hold the guitar can vary from very high to below the belt. The left hand is closer and that can be an advantage.

    How to play the strings.

    • You can play fingerstyle. That’s when every finger plays one string and one note.
    • Strumming is when you play all the strings in one movement up or down. This produces a chord.

    With what you play the strings.

    • You can play with your fingers.
    • Or you can play with a small piece of plastic or wood, a pick. You hold it between the thumb and the index finger.
    • There’s actually a third option, finger picks. It’s like having a pick on every finger. You play as you would with your fingers, but it’s the plastic or steel that picks the string.

    And now, is one technique harder than another? Playing fingerstyle is more difficult than strumming. It’s easier to just strike all the cords than to keep track of the different fingers of the right hand. For the rest, it’s a matter of choice.

    is guitar hard to learn
    Plastic Guitar Pick

    Which guitar style is easiest to learn?

    This is another topic where there is so much variation that it could be difficult to reduce it to a simple list. A would very broadly pin it down to three styles. 

    • The classical style. In this style, you play sitting down and with nylon strings. We have a lot of classical music, but also South American music, Spanish flamenco, etc. 
    • The acoustic guitar. This is everything from the teenager playing three chords at the bonfire, to Bluegrass, Folk, Pop, Jazz, and a lot more. This is a category that is very rich in content. You have millions of easy songs to choose from.
    • The electric guitar. This is the rock- and pop music instrument by excellence. This is the guitar for all the most famous rock riffs, and solos.

    Finally, which is more difficult? Well, you just can’t say that one style is harder than another. Playing many notes very fast is more difficult than not. Those who practice most of all, I would say, are classical guitarists, and soloists on electric guitar. 

    Is the guitar hard to learn compared to other instruments?

    Now, this is tricky. Think about it like this: Playing an instrument for two hours every day for one year gets you to a certain level. That level is lower if the instrument is difficult. But you will always be comparable to anyone who has practiced as much as you. It’s in no way easier to become the best in the world just because the instrument you’ve chosen is easy to play.

    Most people could probably learn how to play only the melody of Twinkle, twinkle little star with their right hand on a piano in, let’s say, half an hour. To play the same melody on a Theremin, which is probably the most difficult instrument in the world, you would need a whole lot more practice.

    The guitar is often put somewhere in the middle of the difficulty list. 

    Is guitar hard to learn? It also depends very much on how far you want to go. 

    • I think, with a few days of training, anybody would be able to learn three, or four chords, and play them in the right order to accompany his/her favorite song. That’s very easy, and extremely fast compared to almost any other musical instrument. 
    • To play like the best classical guitarists, on the other hand, you would need ten, fifteen, or more years of studying 4 – 8 hours a day. And you need to start at a very young age. 

    But, is guitar hard to learn, then?

    rock on stage
    Double Neck Guitar

    From a strictly learning point of view, the guitar has a few positive properties, and some drawbacks, compared to other instruments.  

    The negatives:

    • The neck and the frets are difficult to understand at the beginning, It’s not as straightforward as the blacks and whites on a keyboard.
    • You would need certain coordination as you strike the strings with one hand and determine the pitch with the other. All instruments require coordination to a certain degree though.
    • A guitar is, kind of, big and awkward. It can be hard to find the right position around the big wooden case. And bending the fingers around the neck to find the right position for the chord is also awkward. You have to try out which guitar, and which style is best for you. An how to hold it. There’s no right answer here. Ask your teacher.

    The positives:

    • The difficulty of understanding the pattern on the neck diminishes with time. After some training, it will start to feel more logical and apprehensible.
    • You can see exactly what you do. It’s all in front of you at a normal observable distance. 
    • It’s not a loud instrument unless you play an acoustic guitar with steel strings. Even so, there are always solutions to the disturbing-others issue. You can play the electric guitar with headphones.
    • It’s maybe the most common instrument of all. It’s easy to find good teachers and good school literature. 
    • The frets give the notes a precise position. You only have to put the finger somewhere between the two frets and you’re good. Instruments in the violin family have a smooth neck without frets. It’s more difficult to find the correct spot on the violin neck.

    Which is easier, the Acoustic/Classic or the Electric guitar?

    Reasons why the electric guitar is easy to learn.

    • The acoustic guitar is much bigger and can be more tricky to hold, especially if you’re short/young. 
    • The electric guitar is much thinner and therefore there’s less bulk to get around.
    • The neck of the electric guitar is typically thinner and easier to bend your fingers around
    • Because of its construction, it requires less pressure on the string. 
    • The classical guitar has nylon strings which are softer on the fingertip. But it still requires more pressure on the string.
    • The classical guitar has a wider neck with more space between the strings. That can put more strain on the gripping hand, especially for younger players.
    • With an electric guitar, you can have a full-blown sound without disturbing anybody wearing headphones.

    Reasons why the acoustic/classic guitar is easy to learn.

    • There are all kinds of middle ways. E.g. you can have an acoustic guitar, with or without a pickup (A so-called acoustic electric guitar) with a thinner body. 
    • With an acoustic/classic guitar, you don’t need an amplifier. You just pull out the guitar and play. This is a major advantage. You can bring your guitar anywhere and you’re always ready to play.
    • The many knobs and levers on the electric guitar can be intimidating for a beginner.
    • The Classic guitar position can be more ergonomic. But not for everybody. You have to try it out for yourself.

    It would seem that the electric guitar wins this round. But that’s really just a very broad generalization. The guitar world is enormous, and the best guitarists in the world all have their own preferences and styles. There are different guitar sizes and forms, different widths and depths of the neck, and different positions and different ways to treat the instrument. After you’ve learned some more, you will know what works for you and what doesn’t.

    Then, of course, you need a guitar that’s in tune with the style you’re going for. If you want to play like Eddie Van Halen, you can’t buy an acoustic guitar.

    Today it’s also easier to buy a guitar. The many cheap brands are getting better and even if just have a few dollars to spend, you can still find a decent playable instrument.  

    How long does it take to learn to play the guitar?

    A list of tips and tricks on how to succeed.

    • Be persistent. Our brain and body work much better with short repetitions than with long sessions. It’s much, much better to practice fifteen minutes a day than to practice five hours Sundays.
    • Organize your study. If you have half an hour, do 10 minutes this, 10 minutes that, and 10 minutes something else. It’s too easy to just play the things you already know in a way you’re already comfortable with if you don’t have structure. And to get better you have to learn new things, not just repeat the old, That’s just the way it is.
    • Record yourself. Hearing yourself from the outside is very helpful. You may find that what you think is bad, really is quite good, and vice versa. Don’t overdo it, but a simple recording app is an awesome tool.
    • Take breaks. Especially in the beginning, the position with the right arm around the big wooden box and the left hand cramped around the neck, is tiresome. You resist only a short time. Play for ten minutes, then get up and walk around before you continue. And listen to your body. Pain in the fingertips from the strings is no big deal, but shoulders, back, arms, and wrists shouldn’t ache.   

    close up guitar left handThe reason why you should at least try out a real, certificated teacher.

    Approximately one-third of all non-professional guitar players suffer from pain. Most commonly in the neck and lower back followed by pain in the wrist, and the shoulders. These problems can be dealt with but you have to know how to resolve them, and what is the cause of the pain. 

    Having a good teacher is the best way to avoid these issues, and if you already face stiffness and pain, a teacher can point to where your position is wrong, or to other errors that you make. It’s almost impossible to observe yourself, but for someone else, it’s often obvious what’s missing. That goes for musical expression and playing technique as well. An experienced musician who guides you from the outside, and follows your progress from an external point of view, can be a big help. And as a beginner, a good, certified teacher can’t be overrated. 

    It’s also a way to be consistent in your studying. If you have lessons scheduled, and you pay for them, it’s harder to skip the daily practice. 

    So finally, Is guitar hard to learn? 

    Learning how to play the guitar, is not very difficult. It can be intimidating with the seemingly disorderly outlook of the strings and the frets, but if you practice, with time, that will not be a problem. And the fact that you can learn strumming chords in a very short time, makes it a good candidate for a beginner’s first choice


    No, Guitar is not a difficult instrument to learn. There are a few initial hurdles, but not more than most musical instruments. Be aware of rigidity and pain in the neck and lower back, shoulders, and wrists.

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    Was boiling oil used in sieges?

    Was boiling oil used in sieges?

    Though we have seen it in a myriad of Hollywood films… The defending troops await the enemy at the castle. And when they arrive, the soldiers in the stronghold open the secret trap doors above the big iron gate and pour hot oil on their adversaries. 

    So, I set out to discover if it really was a realistic description of medieval warfare, the hot oil thingy… Was boiling oil used in sieges back then, in the middle ages?

    Throwing things at the enemy from the security of the inside of the castle was a very common medieval defense strategy. The strong walls were difficult to break for the attacker and if they tried, they had to expose themselves to enemy fire. But to use burning oil was expensive, and in most places, they just didn’t have enough. Reports of hot sand and boiling water are far more common.

    was boiling oil used in sieges

    How did a siege work in medieval and ancient times?

    First of all, we’re talking about a very long period. Things started changing in the 16th and 17th centuries when firearms became widely available. So, practically from when we first started building fortifications up until that time, we have situations with defenders inside some sort of wall and attackers outside trying to break in. 

    Secondly, during this very long time, many ingenious weapons, structures, catapults, and methods were invented to be able to force the defenses. And all these methods were always heavily depending on the immediate geographical situation, the state of the attacking soldiers… As well as the defending soldiers, the supplies available, the time of year, the climate, and a whole lot of other factors. In short, no siege was the same as the other.

    Wars, before guns, were fought with swords, pikes, bows, and lances. And if the enemy had taken refuge inside a castle with thick stone walls, these weapons were of little use. In fact, to break a castle defense you needed more than that.

    Fortunately, for the attacker that is, such solutions existed. 

    Siege weapons

    siege tower
    Siege Tower – A very big one.


    This was the simplest, most straightforward method to conquer a stronghold. It was also the most expensive in cost of lives. To raise ladders against the castle wall you would need a massive attack force, and death-defying soldiers. Because you give the defenders every possibility to shoot arrows, throw things, or simply push the ladders away from the wall.

    Siege towers

    These were huge wooden structures that did the same job as a ladder but at the same time protecting the soldiers while they got up and over the wall. If you got a siege tower close to the castle, it could send an attacking force big enough to clear that section of the wall and create a safe passage for more to enter. The best defense against siege towers was to try to burn them with fire… And they couldn’t be used if the terrain wasn’t reasonably flat and solid… Or if there was a moat.


    These were a type of catapults that used manpower, later counterweights, to launch big projectiles against or inside the castle wall. They were very effective in certain situations, but less so if the castle was higher than the surrounding terrain. They also needed to be very big if they were to do any significant damage to the wall. Another issue was that a tore down wall still left a large amount of rubble in the way of the attacker. There are examples where a castle resisted for months after the wall had been breached. One other thing, trebuchets and other forms of catapults could be used by the defenders as well.

    throwing things on a castle
    A Trebuchet of medieval design.


    Sapping in warfare means digging under the wall, and under or close to the foundation so that the whole structure collapses. It was a very effective, easy, and economic way to bring down a significant part of the wall. The problem evidently was that it was slow. 

    The different situations inside and outside the castle.

    A standoff like those in a siege created very different conditions for those inside the castle compared to those outside. For both sides, time was crucial. 

    The attackers had access to the surroundings and could have food and supplies sent to them. But if they were in enemy land,  the supply chain could be slow. And they always risked being attacked in the back by the defender’s reinforcements or their allies. 

    • During the siege by the Spartans of the city of Platea in 429-428 BC., the attacking Spartans first built a wall all around the city to prevent anybody from escaping or attacking from the city. Then they built another wall on the outside of their camp as a defense against any reinforcement from the Athenians. The sieging forces lived inside this corridor for several months before the city finally surrendered after 212 men successfully had breached the two defense palisades and fled.

    A big problem for the defenders could be the lack of food or even worse, the lack of water. And the fact that they were cut off, without the possibility to send scouts and messengers to friends and allies… Unless they had some secret opening or tunnel. 

    • The St. Patrick’s Well in Orvieto, Italy, was dug in the 16th century to ensure water supply to the city in case of a siege. Orvieto is a rock rising some 200 feet off the surrounding terrain. The distance from the city to the groundwater level was too great, so a big cylindric hole was dug with a double, spiral road on the side… One for going down and the other for going up. The depth is 175feet (53 mt), and the diameter at the base is 43 feet (13mt).

    More issues…

    breaking the gate
    Battering Ram

    Both parts risked quarreling, and desertion among the soldiers. For the defenders, the civilians too could create problems. 

    The biggest danger still was diseases. If the siege continued for months or even years, having men in closed encampments, as well as the closed spaces inside the castle, could be extremely hazardous. Especially since knowledge about germs, and viruses was close to inexistent. In human history, diseases were always much more fatal than war and starvation ever were. 

    There was dialogue even in medieval warfare.

    During the siege, there were normally also continuing discussions and negotiations between the parties. These depended very much on how the war developed. If the attackers had trebuchets, and siege towers, they would have a much stronger position in those negotiations. The same for the defenders. If they had food, they would be less eager to sign any peace treaties.

    It is reasonable to conclude that any warlord would rather force a surrender than losing lives in battles along the castle walls. 

    There are many examples of defeated armies being treated fairly because they surrendered and thus avoided further bloodshed. And there are many examples of defeated soldiers being lined up and killed just for opposing too fierce resistance…

    But there are also examples of the opposite:

    • Lady Bankes defended Corfe Castle, Dorset, England, against 500 soldiers in the mid-1600. For three years with practically only a handful of servants, she resisted the siege of the Roundheads. In the end, she had to give up the castle as she was betrayed by one of her men. The castle was demolished, but Lady Banks suffered no penalty. Her heroic resistance had made such a strong impression on her adversaries, that they wouldn’t bring any repression on her. 

    Forcing the main gate.

    If you couldn’t breach the walls, another way to get in was to force the main gate. For this, you would need a ram, and rams could be a simple tree log cut down from one of the nearby trees. Or it could be an ingenious construction with levers and wheels and stuff. However it was made, you still had to get close to the gate. And that could prove deadly.

    Caernarfon Castle Gate with murder holes.

    The Caernarfon Castle in Caernarfon, Wales, UK has two main gates, the King’s gate, and the Queen’s gate. The King’s gate was never completed, but if it would have been, a visitor would have crossed two drawbridges, passed through five doors and six gates, portcullis, a right-angle turn before an enclosure from where you entered the courtyard. This whole route was overlooked by numerous murder holes and arrowslits. The latter is a vertical slit in the wall through which the defender could shoot. And the infamous murder hole is a simple hole in the roof. Was boiling oil used in sieges? Well, if it was, this is from where it would have come down on the intruder.

    And why the five doors and the six gates? To create a trap for the enemy. Inside the sidewalls and over the roof, there were corridors where defending soldiers could move perfectly safe, and one by one kill off the attackers trapped inside the space between two doors or two portcullis.

    By far the best way to conquer a castle. 

    There was one last trick that guaranteed success and would save numerous lives on both sides. And that is to enter with deceit or betrayal by someone inside. It has happened many, many times over the centuries. 

    • In the fictional siege described by Homer in the Iliad, The Achaeans conquered Troy with a hollow, wooden horse. From inside the horse,  Achaean soldiers sneaked out, opened the big gate, and Troy was sacked.
    • One of the many Sieges of Antioch (Antakaya in today’s Turkey) was fought between the Crusaders and the Seljuks. In October 1097, Bohemond of Taranto besieged it with 40.000 men, but from that point until June 1098, they were not able to overtake the garrison. In winter the situation became very difficult in the Crusaders’ camp, with a shortage of food, problems with supplies, and constant attacks from the Turks. In May, as reports came in about a Seljuk relief army led by Kerbogha, Bohemond used his contacts with a Seljuk tower guard named Firouz. Firouz agreed to let the Crusaders through, in change for money and a title. So after 8 months, Bohemond could finally conquer the city, and massacre the population – military, civilians, Muslims, and Christians alike.

    The political context.

    Another important role did acts of submission play. Very often wars were fought to win loyalty and subordination. The Emperor of a large territory couldn’t even dream of controlling his domains without loyal vassals. And so, often it was more important to gain trust and fidelity from the defeated than simply to cut their heads off. This could be done by oaths, humiliation, or acts of subordination. All this was from a political point of view, a very delicate matter… Kill everybody or treat them fairly?

    • When Alexander the Great marched against the Achaemenid Empire, he easily conquered and gained subordination from all of the cities on the Mediterranean coast of what is today, Syria and Lebanon. He subsequently treated them fairly. When he came down to Tyre, that changed. The citizens put up resistance and Alexander had to siege the city for 6 months and build a causeway one kilometer straight out into the sea to be able to get close enough with his siege towers. That failed and thousands of his soldiers were killed. He sent for more warships from his allies further north, and finally, after six months he could enter Tyre. The King wasn’t happy… He immediately killed 6000 soldiers, and sent the remaining 30.000 men, women, and children to slavery, except for 2000 whom he crucified right there on the beach for everybody to witness.

    But how much good virgin olive oil was there?

    Oil wells existed in China, and the middle east already thousands of years ago, But it wasn’t until the 19th century, that commercial oil and petroleum became available to the general public. Vegetable and animal oils were used and still are, for cooking. But before 1800 non-mineral oils were used for much of what we use mineral oils for today, as well. From making soap to treating leather and wood. It was possibly even used for mechanical lubrification. 

    Interestingly it was essential for fire arrows and other thermal weapons. Remember that the best way to defend yourself against many of the Seige weapons was to put them on fire.

    In some regions, vegetable oils were abundant, such as the Mediterranean region. But it still probably wasn’t abundant enough to be used in battle… Not even around the Mediterranean.

    Was boiling oil used in sieges, even if there were perfectly valid alternatives?

    And what were those alternatives?

    Well, I would think the throwing was the main thing here. Throwing things at the enemy from the wall, or from a murder hole, was perfectly safe, and could range from being a nuisance to being a deadly threat. 

    There are many records of hot water being used. And quicklime, hot coal, and hot sand. The sand is interesting, as hot or cold, having sand inside a medieval iron armor wouldn’t be a very nice experience. 

    fly photo Carcassonne

    Other testimonies include dirt, rubble, rocks, tar, and even excrements from humans and animals, as well as urine. And of course, they could shoot. Arrows coming in from a murder hole at close range make a lot of damage.

    • Carcassonne in southern France was besieged by Charlemagne in the 8th century. After six years of siege, the food inside the city was almost completely finished. The ruler, Lady Carcas, decided to feed the only remaining sack of wheat to the only remaining pig. Then she shot it over the wall with a catapult. When Charlemagne saw the well-fed hog on the ground, he concluded that the city was well-supplied and decided to lift the siege. A cute narrative. Unfortunately, it seems to be just a legend.

    Final thoughts.

    We don’t have any exact statistics of what was thrown on the enemy during the sieges of the past. Was boiling oil used in sieges? We know with reasonable confidence that it happened. Still, I would consider two very important facts:

    • Oil was expensive and often there wasn’t much around.
    • As it was the same oil they used for cooking, at least mostly so, Throwing away a resource that could prove essential if the siege would pursue, wouldn’t have been a smart move. Food and water were after all fundamental for resisting inside the castle.

    Was boiling oil used in sieges… ever?

    These are some of the sieges where we know with reasonable confidence that burning oil was used by the defenders:

    • The siege of Yodfat (Israel) in 67 AD.
    • The siege of Orléans (France) from 1428 to 1429.
    • The Great Siege of Malta in 1565. 
    • The Siege of Sommières (France) in 1573.

    … and probably many more that we just don’t know about…

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    Well, we know it happened, but it probably wasn’t very common. Oil was too precious to just be thrown away.

    impenetrable walls
    Fenis Castle, Valle d’Aosta, Italy



    Is gender a social construct?

    Is gender a social construct?

    Do we identify as man, woman, or in between because of social conditions and teachings?

    is gender a social construct
    Courtesy of Charlie Eaton

    Is gender a social construct? 

    Agender, Bigender, Butch, Gender outlaw… Where do they all come from? And are all these labels motivated, or are they just a way to express a disaccord with the “normal”, boring binary male and female?

    So, before jumping into all the terminology, I set out to try to answer the first question… Is gender a social construct, or is it something we are born with?

    This is what World Health Organization has to say about it:

    • Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls, and boys that are socially constructed.  This includes norms, behaviors, and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl, or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

    And this is what the Oxford English dictionary has to say about it:

    • (Gender is…) The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences, rather than biological ones; the collective attributes or traits associated with a particular sex, or determined as a result of one’s sex. 

    So, is gender a social construct? Well, it seems that way, but let’s dive in a little further:.

    What is biological sex?

    Your sex is what is determined by your chromosome setup. If you are born with two X chromosomes in your 23rd, and last, chromosome pair in your DNA, then you’re a woman. If you have one X- and one Y- chromosome, then you’re a man. As simple as that. 

    gay man

    An effect of the XX or XY chromosome setup is the physical attributes. Penises and vaginas, as well as all the rest… Body structure, breasts, hair growth, voice pitch, etc. These attributes are not always easily detectable, or even always present. There are many variations. And defects in the chromosome structure can occur. 

    Man, woman or intersex?

    You can be a man, a woman, or neither of those. The male-female binary system has only two outcomes. But someone may not have all the attributes to be determined only as a boy or only a girl right at birth. 

    In that case, the child can be determined as intersex

    What is gender identity?

    If you think of it, we don’t really know at all who our colleagues, friends, and relatives are from a sexual point of view. At least I have never seen the penises and vaginas or breasts of my acquaintances. Nor have I ever seen a testosterone test or anything similar on any of my friends. We trust the outside, the clothes, the makeup or absence of makeup, and the general physical characteristics…

    Gender identity actually is what determines much of all that. It’s what we feel inside, what we identify as. The biological sex scale is somewhat limited. There’s only man and woman, and a blending of those two. But gender identity, in theory, has no limits. What you feel inside and how you express yourself is for you to decide.

    …Or is it?

    But, what if there’s a difference between your biological sex and your gender identity?

    Someone who is a biological man, and has the gender identity of a man, is called a cis man. A biological woman who has the gender identity of a woman is called a cis woman. “Cis” from the Latin prefix meaning “on this side of”. 

    If a biological man identifies as a woman, he’s called a trans woman.  A biological woman who has the gender identity of a man is called a trans man. “Trans” from the Latin prefix meaning “on the other side of”.

    People who identify as their biological sex are cisgender, and those who identify as the opposite sex are transgender.

    A transsexual person is someone who physically transitions from male to female or vice versa. 

    Do sex and gender have anything to do with sexual orientation?

    Apart from the biological sex, which is the Chromosome setup, and the gender identity, there is a third part of the equation. And that is sexual orientation. Are you straight, gay, bisexual, or something completely different?

    Sexual orientation does not necessarily have anything to do with the previous. Sexual orientation is simply what we are attracted to, and apart from rare examples of very strange sexual fantasies, we are most often attracted to women, men, or both.

    is gender a social constructIs it more natural to feel like a man/woman when you, in fact, are a man/woman?

    Very often people refer to what’s natural and what’s not. Natural, is a difficult concept, though. Sometimes it just means that I, myself consider it acceptable. And that is often based on my personal view, which is based on my personal background and convictions. 

    Natural, as in nature… That is often a totally different story. 

    Can an animal identify as something that it does not appear to be? 

    Can a dog be transgender?

    We simply don’t know how they feel, because we can’t ask them. But we can observe the observable, and we can draw conclusions from that.

    We do know, that many animals demonstrate homosexual behavior. And that would indicate that sexuality among animals isn’t as simple as only a treat that aims at reproduction, even though we cannot say for sure how they feel about their assigned sex.

    So now, Is gender a social construct or not?

    It is true that transgender really exists? I mean that it is something more than just an expression, a way to dress? And not only trans… There are Agender, Bigender, Gender fluid, Genderqueer, Gender expansive, and many more. For this article, we would need to determine if all these genders come from the environment, or if they are within us from the beginning.

    is gender a social construct
    Judith Butler

    Judith Butler 

    She introduced the term gender performativism in 1988. In the book Performative Acts and Gender Constitution, she develops the idea that gender is something we perform. It is the stylized repetition of acts through time. According to Butler, it is not a performance that you can choose in any way you like, as an actor plays a role. Instead, performative speech can constitute an identity. It’s not so much the subject expressing her-/himself but the repetition of stylized actions that actually make up your gender identity. 

      –  Performativity is a matter of reiterating and repeating the norms through which one is constituted.

    Your gender identity is not an expression of something inside yourself. Instead, IT IS yourself. And so, you can actually never really be wrong about it. You are what you are.

    Butler also emphasizes that the repeated stylized actions that make up your gender don’t come from you. They are taught to you. In that way, gender is a social construct.

    Julia Serano

    Serano introduced yet another idea. The Subconscious sex concept. What she’s talking about is an unconscious and inexplicable self-understanding regarding what sex one belongs to or should be.

    Someone would explain why people act against what we would expect their gender expression to be, with genetic anomalies. But Serano notes that these non-coherent people occur far more frequently than can be accounted for by biological factors. 

    Transgenders are aware of the painful dissonance between the subconscious sex and the biological sex, while cisgenders are not. 

    Serano argues that the subconscious sex is innate in some way, but social conditioning can play a role in how you interpret it. Is gender a social construct? Yes, but only partly so.

    Other research

    boy with rc bus toy

    This study from 2016, and this study from 2017 both conclude that boys play more with typical boys-toys, and girls play more with toys typed to their own gender. The 2017 study included children until 8 years, and the 2016 study started at 9 months. A large spectrum.

    There are many more studies like these, and none of them is really conclusive. Yes, we know that boys are boys, and that girls are girls, but it’s very difficult to be able to definitely say if they were born this or that, or if they have become such.

    9 months is also reasonably old, in this context. We know that a lot of imprinting happens before that age.

    Is gender a social construct?  The many studies of children’s preferences of gender-type toys, don’t really conclude anything.

    … And at the end of the day, maybe everything is a social construct.

    I remember my uncle, who used to work as a land surveyor far away up in the mountains in my home country. When he visited the farmers up there, they offered him huge quantities of liquor. Only after that, and of course, him being pretty stoned, he could go to work. They wanted to be sure that he was Ok for the job, and being an Ok man in that context, meant being able to drink a lot of alcohol.

    afghanistan women oppression

    Being this or that depends on geography, time, and type of society. When I dress in jeans and a t-shirt, get on the bus with mixed men and women, and speak my native language in a certain way, I am just being me. But I too am a result of social conditioning. My identity is a social construct if you will.

    In tropical parts of Africa and South America, men and women wear almost nothing. Scottish men wear skirts. In the middle east, they wear Thawb, and I wear my T-shirt. In the 90s many women in Europe walked around topless on the beach. In some parts of Afghanistan, the Burqa, covering every single part of the woman’s body, is now mandatory if she wants to stay safe.  And a thousand years ago, dress codes and gender codes were radically different from today.

    We live in a world of social constructs, and that includes not only gender but everything in our daily life. People who dare to step outside our well-defined binary gender system, have always been looked upon with everything from distrust to persecution and oppression. As has any other diversion from the accepted codes.

    In India, the Hijra community has suffered oppression and violence under the British administration, for hundreds of years. In 2019 The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act was passed by the Indian Parliament. The objective is to provide protection of rights of transgender people, their welfare, and other related matters.


    Maybe one thing we can learn is to stop being so afraid of things we don’t understand. If someone or something appears strange, why not ask, inform yourself and reflect. Learn about the other…

    But even more so, learn about yourself. You, just like me, are just a product of a whole lot of coincidences, of which most, probably are social constructs.

    … And you should always respect a person’s preferred way to be addressed. It’s okay to ask, but then always use the name and pronouns they tell you.

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    Yes, Gender is a social construct… At least mostly so. 

    two women embracing



    What is Chi?

    What is Chi?

    They speak about chi as if it’s essential. They teach it as if it’s fundamental. They use it in a thousand different ways, and it’s supposed to be extremely powerful. 

    But does chi really exist?

    First of all, the name…

     氣 – That’s how it’s written in traditional Chinese. In English, it’s written Chi, Ki, or Qi, and pronounced [tʃiː]. In Japanese, it’s pronounced [kiː]. 

    The meaning of the word is air or vapor, or energy in general, or life force, or vital energy… It is quite difficult to give a precise definition, and that can be a problem as we will see further on. The concept is very old. It originates from many thousands of years ago. Probably from China or at least from Asia. 

    In Taoism, Tao is an absolute principle and it conceptualizes the order of everything. The Universe has two opposite forces, Yin and Yang, and these make up all of what we can experience. They are light and darkness, expansion and contraction, male and female, deficiency and excess, etc. And they are the forces that have produced this universe… The energy with which all this is conceived is called chi… Chi Yang and Chi Yin. 

    • 气 means Vapor or Air. But as such it also means energy.
    • 天气 means Sky and Air (Energy) – Sky-energy,  Weather.
    • 米 means Rice. 
    • 米 气 means Rice and Vapor/Air. 
    • 氣 is a combination of the last two, meaning Rice-Vapor, as in the vapor from the boiling rice. Or it could be interpreted as the two forms of energy necessary for our body to work… Rice (food) and air (oxygen). 
    • 氣 is Chi in traditional Chinese.

    Interestingly, many languages of Indo-European origin have the words for breath/breathing and life force very similar. (Comp. Expire in English)

    what is chi

    What is chi in Traditional Chinese Medicine?

    In traditional Chinese medicine, Chi is the vital life force or energy that is in all living beings. It is the energy of life and it runs all through our bodies. But not only that: It is also the essence of-, and connection between every living thing as well as between those and the universe. It unites our body, our mind, and our spirit, and it unites us with everything. 

    This life force can be imbalanced, and if so, it’s the scope of the doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine to create balance within the organism again. 

    • Yin chi is heavy. It falls, it is stationary, and binding. Yin chi is condensation. 
    • Yang is light. It moves away, upwards, and it’s volatile and etheric. Yin chi is expansion.

    The body has to keep its balance between those two forces. Furthermore, we need to keep the flow of chi unrestricted. Because obstacles and blockages can form in our chi for various reasons, and if they do, the channels need to be opened. The doctor does all this with medication, often traditional herbal medicine and/or therapy, like Therapeutic Massage, Acupuncture, etc. Traditional Chinese Medicine is based strongly on the concept of Chi as a life force.

    But what is chi… What are we actually talking about here?

    esoteric energy

    We need to know exactly what we are referring to. And, as said before, that isn’t all that obvious. Because a lot of people see Chi as a concept, much like many other words that we use in a metaphorical way…

    • The chi is in balance – We feel alright and things are good, generally speaking. But it’s not that there is any actual balance. We wouldn’t fall over because we are off Chi.
    • The Chi is flowing – People around me like me, and I feel appreciated. Today my project got approved, and that special person called me… I’m in a flow. Things work out. But it’s not that there is any special energy that is moving inside me, from my toes to my head, from my left hand to the right.
    • I am connected to the universe – I feel as one with every other living thing. That is, I understand that we all have to share space on this earth. We have to stop the pollution, help each other, and stop the wars because otherwise, we will all suffer. But it’s not that I am really connected in any way with anything else. There are no radio waves or cables between us.

    Then there’s the other way of looking at it…

    what is chi

    And this is where we could run into problems. Because some people claim that Chi is also a very physical, real, demonstrable, and powerful force. And it’s a force that can be manipulated to make you feel this or that, to move objects and people, to awaken your cosmic awareness… And lastly, which in my opinion is morally very dubious, make you ill, and consequently cure you.

    So, if there actually is some truth in it, that there really is a real, physical force within us and around us that has an impact on our wellbeing, then that is very important information. And if that life force really could create diseases, and then cure us, make us create or overcome problems, connect us to each other and to the far side of the galaxy. Then that could be a real game-changer for all of us. 

    What do the practitioners/believers say themselves?

    what is chi
    • Chi is constant, it holds matter together. Chi is the energy that floats through humans, through the earth, and through the heavens. It is the energy, the power of the universe. Chi is like a river, it’s constantly happening. Yin and Yang are moving in and out while Chi is constantly generated
    • Chi is bioelectric power. Chi is the electricity that nourishes the living cell. Qigong helps you to draw energy from the outside so that you have more energy on the inside. 
    • Chi is the current of energy that passes through the inside and outside of the body. It also passes through physical objects. When your chi is strong, it flows through you and fills you with life and health. When your chi is weak, it remains still and stagnant.

    Do you understand it better from these quotes? Having a true believer explain what Chi is, doesn’t make it easier to grasp. It’s very mystical and philosophical, just like it’s supposed to be, being a 4000 years old concept.

    What does science say?

    There has been a lot of research to try to find out: What is Chi? Most have studied the technique of Qigong. Qigong and Tai Chi are similar but Qigong has a supposedly more internal focus. The movements are more specific and the aim, is to heal, aid, and restore Chi, more than physical exercise. So, many of the studies focus on the measurable energy when Qigong is used. Either during the session or after, and both from the Qigong master, the healer, and from the subject.

    Thai Chi vitalizes the energy

    In fact, many of these studies show a verifiable effect. This paper by Xinqi Dong, E-Shien Chang, and Kevin Chen reaches a conclusion: 

    •  … Many other exploratory studies of external Qigong effects have used various physical detectors, including Gamma-ray, microwave, and high-frequency X-ray. Body temperature changes before, during, and after the practice of Qigong have been documented by many empirical studies, in which far-infrared measurement was amongst the most commonly used physical detectors of Qi.

    Another study from 2011 by Roger Jahnke, Linda Larkey, Carol Rogers, Jennifer Etnier, and Fang Lin found benefits from both Tai Chi and Qigong:

    • … This review has identified numerous outcomes with varying levels of evidence for the efficacy of Qigong and Tai Chi, including bone health, cardiopulmonary fitness and related biomarkers, physical function, falls prevention and balance, the general quality of life and patient-reported outcomes, immunity, and psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy.
    scary Chinese mask

    But it’s hard to see evidence of a force, an energy source, other than the obvious benefit exercise would give. These techniques are also connected to breathing and a meditative focus in a way that most other sports are not.   

    The lowering of the pulse, rising of the temperature and other effects could be explained well within the known physical realm. These are nothing more than normal functions of the body.

    What is Chi… And what is Yi?

    Professor Lin Housheng’s answers to the question, What is Chi in Qigong? And this could be the reason why we aren’t able to find any proof. 

    • Qigong is a method or process in which the cultivation of Chi (vital energy) and Yi (consciousness or intent) achieves the optimal state of both body and mind. Yi, the intent or mental process of the practitioner, is integral to the Qigong process. Although exploratory studies focus on the Chi part only, Chi itself cannot be truly defined without including Yi, or intent. After all, Chi emission is a process of bio-physiological activity coordinated by human intent or consciousness.

    As such, maybe it’s impossible to separate the force from the practitioner. And maybe we cannot examine the Chi at all without adding the subjectivity and the intent of the mind… And so we’re stuck. 


    Traditional Chinese Medicine

    I didn’t want to derail down the Acupuncture track. But Acupuncture is a consequence of Chi. The theory is that sticking in needles where the Chi flows inside one of the 12 meridians in our body can cause stagnant Qi to be dispersed and deficient Qi to be tonified.

    Acupuncture has been thoroughly examined and the result is that some effects, especially as a method of pain relief, can be observed. The general problem is that similar effects can be seen with needles being inserted randomly, or needles not being inserted at all, while the subject is convinced that they, in fact, are.

    It would seem that the inserting of needles, or believing that needles have been inserted has an effect, but that the Chi meridians have nothing to do with it.  ,

    And now to the other side of the coin… The darker side.

    Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese Martial Art. Today it is mainly used as a way of exercise, health benefits, and meditation (Shadowboxing), but there is a strong fighting component as well. The technique is closely connected to Chi, thus the name. 

    But some Martial Arts schools take the whole Chi idea a step further. Some training is focused on learning to control the Chi to such an extent that it can be used to send an opponent to the floor without even touching him… The so-called No Touch Knockout: 

    Focusing on Chi, trying to relax, exercising to find the right posture, and breathing correctly could be very important tools in a myriad of situations. 

    But some experts don’t stop there. They use the Chi-concept as a way to do tricks. While professional illusionists do magic on stage for entertainment and they are absolutely transparent about it. What they do is based on tricks… The self-appointed Chi-guys on the other hand, claim their performances are real. They claim that their Chi is so powerful that they can start fires, and move objects around only by using their God-like powers.

    The Qigong movements are specific and the aim here is to heal, aid, and restore Chi, more than physical exercise. If you look at Qigong and Tai Chi from a westerners point of view, they are very similar. And the effectiveness of the two styles is similar too. The exercise, the training, the cardiovascular response, etc are all benefits that are well documented… 

    Unfortunately, some healers go a step too far, claiming they can actually heal severe diseases with the Chi-power. 

    But why do we always have to be so darn scientific? Especially about old Chinese beliefs?

    I don’t think we should limit ourselves to seeing the world exclusively in terms of real or fake, black or white. The concept of Chi is very attractive. The flowing movement, the fact that we are all connected, the focus on internal balance and physical and mental wellbeing. 

    And I personally am very drawn to the idea of a sport, or physical activity, that is so non-competitive. 

    Having said that, it is our strong belief that fraudulent behavior is wrong. But fraudulent behavior that intends to exploit people’s vulnerability and fear in life-threatening situations, is morally and ethically deceptive. It’s misleading in a particular way and those doing it should be called out and should be held responsible. 

    Chi is a very interesting phenomenon, and it is possibly very useful as an ingredient in physical exercise and mental training. Our internal chemical and psychological environment can suffer from stress, and Qigong and Thai Chi is surely a good way to ease that stress.

    But Chi is not a mystical, magical force of nature, that only those who are trained in the right way can master. It’s just another way of saying energy or saying connection, or balance.

    So, no… Chi cannot knock people down from a distance, it cannot move objects, or start fires… And it most probably can do absolutely nothing to cure cancer. 

    For health issues always contact your local health authorities.

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    Yes and No. The Chi concept as a subjective connection between all living things, as the energy that all life is made up of, and as the positive effects of physical activity, breathing correctly, relaxation, balance, etc. That part exists.

    But the magical, mystical part where Chi is some special energy that can be modified and channeled, that part, I would say, does not exist.

    Muscat Oman

